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- University of Turin - IRIS - Typological Diversity within the Romance Languages (PDF) (Feb. 06, 2025)
Everywhere, unaccented vowels have had a different history from accented, and in some languages they have so weakened as to disappear altogether in certain positions. At the end of a word, for instance, even -a, the most sonorous of the vowels, has weakened to a neutral vowel in Romanian, Portuguese, and some Catalan and Rhaetian dialects—in some French dialects it is still pronounced as a neutral vowel sound (such as the second vowel in English alphabet), but it has been lost completely in the standard language. Final -o, from Latin -ō or ŭ, was lost very early in French, Occitan, Catalan, and Rhaetian and remains only before an article following the word in Romanian; in Portuguese and Romanian it is closed to a /u/ (pronounced as the u in English lunar). Final -e is even more evanescent, regularly remaining as a full vowel only in parts of central and southern Italy and Sardinia.
Under the main stress accent of the word, Latin vowels have often become diphthongs in Romance, perhaps as a result of lengthening under heavy stress or as a consequence of the raising influence of following high vowels (a process known as breaking, similar in action to German umlaut). The vowels most affected are the “open” e sound /ɛ/ (as in met), from Latin ĕ, and to a lesser extent the “open” o sound /ɔ/ (pronounced like the vowel sound in law in many American English dialects and like the o in British English ingot), from Latin ŏ, while high close vowels i /i/ and u /u/ are virtually untouched. Transformation of short e /ɛ/ to a diphthong (usually /ye/ as in English yet) is so common that some believe it occurred during the Vulgar Latin period. The conditions of this process (and similar ones) vary, however; in some languages (notably French and Italian) it happens only in open syllables (i.e., those ending in a vowel in Vulgar Latin), whereas Romanian, Vegliot, Spanish, and perhaps Rhaetian show similar developments in all accented syllables. Portuguese possibly did not join in the diphthong-forming process at all, though, as in Occitan, Catalan, Sardinian, and some Italian dialects, the short e- and o- sounds may at one time have developed into diphthongs under the influence of a following high vowel (i or u), later to be reduced once more to a single vowel.
Latin ō (and ŭ) and ē (ĭ) became diphthongs ou and ei in Northern French at an early period (after the 5th but before the 9th century); the 12th-century phonetic results eu and oi provided the present-day spellings, though the sounds thus represented have changed considerably since (compare fleur ‘flower,’ from flour, from flore). The greater extension of spontaneous diphthong formation in French than in other Romance languages is often attributed to the effects of the heavy stress presumably used by the Frankish superstratum.
In nearly all Romance languages a following nasal consonant has caused peculiar development in a preceding vowel. In most cases the effect is limited to a raising or closing influence, but, in both French and Portuguese, phonological nasalization has taken place (i.e., in both, a series of vowels distinguished by the presence of nasal resonance has developed). There, as well as in some other dialects (especially Chilean, Caribbean, and Andalusian Spanish, in the Romanian spoken in Albania, and in northern Occitan), nasal vowels are distinct from their oral counterparts and not mere variants (i.e., they are phonemic). Thus, they serve to differentiate one meaningful form from another: e.g., French pin ‘pine,’ pronounced /pɛ̃/ (ɛ stands for a short e sound, and the tilde sign marks nasalization) versus paix ‘peace,’ pronounced /pɛ/; Portuguese lã ‘wool’ versus la ‘there.’
Nasalization in both French and Portuguese was probably noticeable by the 10th century, though it may not have become phonemic until much later. Some claim that even today nasal vowel resonance is merely a surface manifestation of a latent underlying nasal consonant. It would appear that in both languages nasal vowels were more frequent in the Middle Ages than today. In roughly the 16th century in France, denasalization took place when the nasal consonant was intervocalic, and the n sound was retained—in, for example, French bon ‘good (masculine)’ (pronounced /bõ/) and bonne ‘good (feminine)’ (pronounced /bon/). In Portuguese the consonant did not always reappear after denasalization (compare boa ‘good [feminine],’ from bõa, from bona), though between i and a or o the palatal nasal consonant (pronounced somewhat like the ny in English canyon) is inserted (vinho ‘wine,’ from vĩo, from vinu).
Nasalization has sometimes, though without much conviction, been attributed to Celtic substratum influence. A better case can be made for the effect of such influence in the French u sound, /y/, pronounced like German ü or Greek upsilon [υ], though ignorance of Gaulish and certain chronological and geographic discrepancies make it difficult to argue in detail. The French /y/ is also found in most Occitan dialects (in which it may be a recent introduction from French), in Rhaetian, and in parts of Portugal and Italy; elsewhere it is sometimes a characteristic of affected speech.
Another French pronunciation that is often imitated by socially pretentious speakers is that of the Parisian uvular r /ʀ/ (produced by vibration of the uvula, an appendage at the back of the mouth), which was not accepted in standard French until after the Revolution of 1789, though it was probably used by the Parisian bourgeoisie from the 17th century. It probably developed from the Latin double -rr-, differentiated from single -r-, which in Middle French tended to be pronounced with local friction. In most modern dialects of Provence the distinction between the two r sounds is still made (though Occitan dialects in general are adopting the French pronunciation). Brazilian Portuguese uses a similar contrasting pair of r sounds, with the usual trilled r represented in orthography by a single r and a velar, or “rough,” r represented by rr: Brazilian caro ‘dear’ and carro ‘cart.’ Elsewhere only Puerto Rican Spanish and a few North Italian and Romanian dialects use the velar r regularly, though it is heard sporadically nearly everywhere.
One phonological development that is thought by many to be indicative of a very early split between the Eastern and Western Romance areas concerns the treatment of consonants between vowels. To the north and west of a line drawn between La Spezia and Rimini, in Italy, most dialects voiced Latin voiceless consonants between vowels and simplified geminates (doubled consonants); southern and eastern dialects to a greater extent retain the Latin voiced–voiceless–geminate system. The dividing line appears also to run through Sardinia, so that northern dialects are “Western” and southern ones “Eastern.”
Some believe that the voicing of voiceless sounds is connected with a similar, though not identical, process in Celtic known as lenition. Lengthening and subsequent development into diphthongs of accented vowels may be linked to the reduction of Latin doubled consonants to single consonants, as some theories suggest.
One noticeable difference between Latin and all the Romance languages is that the consonantal systems of the latter include a number of palatal and palato-alveolar consonants which did not exist in Latin. (Palatal consonants are formed with the tongue touching the hard palate; palato-alveolar sounds are made with the tongue touching the region of the alveolar ridge or the palate.) One consequence of the strengthening of the stress accent in the later Latin period was that unstressed ĭ and ĕ following consonants and followed by vowels became shortened to a nonsyllabic palatal y sound (called jod). The effects of this new sound on preceding consonants are varied, but in many cases these have been pronounced with the tongue raised more toward or against the roof of the mouth, or palate (a process classified as a form of assimilation), sometimes ending up eventually as a dental fricative (such as z and th) or affricate (such as ch) and perhaps modifying the preceding vowel. That this process began early is suggested by the not-infrequent confusion of -tĭ- and -cĭ- in orthography, sometimes represented even as tz in inscriptions. This palatal shift in pronunciation led to developments such as French rouge, Portuguese ruivo, Catalan roig, and Old Italian robbio from Latin rubeum ‘red’ and French feuille, Portuguese folha, Italian foglia, and Sardinian fodza from Latin folia ‘leaf.’
Another source of palatal consonants in Romance has been back (velar) consonants when immediately followed by a front sound: the velar consonant has often moved forward in the mouth, sometimes eventually to dental or alveolar position but often settling on a palatal or palato-alveolar position. This process, too, probably began early, first affecting velar consonants /k/ and /g/ preceding front vowels /e/ and /i/. That it had not occurred at the Classical period is shown by its absence in early loanwords into other languages (Berber, Basque, Celtic, Germanic, Albanian, and Greek). As central Sardinian dialects retain velar pronunciation in the environment of front vowels, it may be assumed that palatalization postdated the separation of the island from the rest of the empire. Vegliot evidence is difficult to interpret, as ē does not seem to have provoked palatalization, whereas ĕ, ĭ, and u did so. It was this sound change that resulted in the pronunciation of “soft” c before e and i (in most Romance languages this is an /s/ or /ts/ sound; in Italian and Rhaetian it is a /ch/ sound). Before a, o, and u the c retained its “hard” pronunciation (that is, a /k/ sound). In Classical Latin, before the sound change occurred, all c sounds were hard. Hence, Latin centum (/kentum/) gave rise to Italian cento (/chento/), Portuguese cento (/sento/), and Spanish ciento (/siento/ or, in Castilian, /thiento/).
In north-central France, Latin a must have advanced to a front position, with the result that it too palatalized preceding /k/ and /g/ sounds. The results give the palato-alveolar sounds of /sh/ and /zh/ (written in the International Phonetic Alphabet as /ʃ/ and /Ʒ/, respectively), via /tʃ/ (as in English church), and /dƷ/ (as in English jam); e.g., French chanter ‘to sing’ developed from Latin cantare, joie ‘joy’ from gaudia. West Rhaetian dialects show a similar development (compare Sursilvan tgaun, Engadine chaun, French chien, from Latin canem ‘dog’), as do Franco-Provençal and Northern Occitan dialects, but Picard and some Norman dialects do not (Picard canter, with an unpalatalized c, from Latin cantare; kier ‘dear,’ from carum). The change is assumed to have taken place at a later period than the palatalization of k when followed by e or i, which did not affect Frankish words. Those, on the other hand, succumbed to the type of palatalization in which k /k/ changed to ch /tʃ/ and then to sh /ʃ/ (*skina becomes échine ‘backbone’).
In Romanian, velar consonants were moved forward under the influence of a following i and e, and dental consonants were moved back to a palatal position under the same influence—e.g., from terram ‘earth’; şi ‘and’ from sic ‘thus’; cer from caelum ‘sky.’ Labial consonants are also affected in some dialects: k’ept from piept from pectum ‘chest’; jin from vin from vinum ‘wine.’ Romanian also has, in final position, a series of “soft” consonants. These are transparently derived from earlier “hard” consonants followed by i, performing certain important morphological functions: lupi /lup′/ ‘wolves’ from lup /lup/ ‘wolf’; cînƫi /kɨnts′/ ‘you sing’ from cînt /kɨnt/ ‘I sing.’
Palatalization of consonants in Romance was effected not only by following front vowels but also by juxtaposed front consonants, especially when a velar (such as Latin /k/ or /g/) was next to a dental (such as /t s n/) or a lateral (/l/) in medial position, sometimes as a consequence of the loss of an unaccented vowel during the Vulgar Latin period. Results of this process vary from language to language.
It will be noted that in Romanian a labial consonant has been substituted for the velar in the Latin clusters -ct-, -x- /ks/, and -gn-: piept from peptum ‘chest,’ coapsă from coxa ‘thigh,’ lemn from lignum ‘wood.’ Perhaps there was first assimilation of the velar to the dental—as in Italian -tt- from Latin -ct- and Sardinian -nn- from Latin -gn- (linna from ligna ‘line’)—followed by differentiation of the first element of the geminate. It is notable that Latin l regularly becomes jod /y/ after another consonant in Italian (piacere from placere ‘to please’; fiore from flore ‘flower’; chiave from clave ‘key’; ghianda from glanda ‘acorn’) and after velars in Romanian (plăcea, floare, but cheie /kjej/, ghindă /gjində/). In Spanish and Portuguese a following l in Latin often palatalizes labial consonants (p, f ) as well as velars, in initial as well as medial position; e.g., Latin planum becomes Spanish llano ‘plain,’ Portuguese chão; Latin afflare becomes Spanish hallar ‘to find,’ Portuguese achar.