metalwork: Media


Take a look at researchers studying Mississippians copper work from the Cahokian mounds in southwestern Illinois
Researchers studying the pre-Columbian copper work from the Cahokia Mounds, southwestern...
Video: Courtesy of Northwestern University (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
Observe ancient techniques still employed by metalworkers in western Africa
Metalworking in western Africa
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.


Plaque showing a warrior and attendants
Warrior and attendants plaque, brass relief sculpture by Edo artists in the court...
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Klaus G. Perls, 1990, 1990.332,
Standing figure of Vishnu, gilt bronze sculpture from Nepal, 10th century; in the...
Photograph by Katie Chao. Brooklyn Museum, New York, gift of Frederic B. Pratt, 29.18
altar plaque
Virgin and Child, copper, embossed and gilded plaque (probably for an altar) from...
Photograph by Valerie McGlinchey. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 818-1891
Mycenaean dagger
Mycenaean dagger, bronze with gold, silver, and niello, 16th century bce....
Hirmer Fotoarchiv, Munich
Gloucester candlestick
Gloucester candlestick, carved and chased gilt bronze, 12th century. In the Victoria...
Courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum
Persian vase in the form of a fish
Persian vase in the form of a fish, gold sheet decorated with incised lines, details...
Courtesy of the trustees of the British Museum
early Christian marriage casket
Early Christian marriage casket of Projecta and Secondus, embossed silver, partially...
Courtesy of the trustees of the British Museum
book cover of the Lindau Gospels
Book cover of the Lindau Gospels, chased gold with pearls and precious stones, c....
Courtesy of the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York
Gilt book cover
Book cover with a silver-gilt Spanish setting of a Byzantine ivory crucifixion, silver-gilt...
Photograph by Katie Chao. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917 (17.190.134)
cast bronze baptismal font
Cast bronze baptismal font by Renier de Huy, 1107–18. In the church of Saint-Barthélemy,...
Courtesy of Holle Bildarchiv, Baden-Baden
portable alter
Portable altar, cut-out, gilded, engraved, and incised laminated copper, attributed...
Courtesy of Holle Bildarchiv, Baden-Baden
silver dish in the auricular style
Silver dish representing an early development of the auricular style by Christiaen...
Courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London
portable silver shrine
German house shrine, a portable silver Pietà by Georg Jungmair, bearing the town...
Photograph by Jenny O'Donnell. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, gift of Dr. W.L. Hildburgh, F.S.A. (M.1-1953)
English silver tureen with Cavendish arms
English silver tureen with Cavendish arms by Paul Storr, 1820–21; in Chatsworth House,...
By permission of the trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement
Indian-style Kushan silver dish
Indian-style Kushan embossed and chased silver dish showing a yaksha drinking,...
Courtesy of the trustees of the British Museum
Zhou dynasty zhong
Chinese bronze zhong, late Zhou dynasty (1046–256 bce);...
Courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Gold crown from the Silla Period
Gold crown, c. 500 ce (Silla period), from the...
Kyŏngju National Museum
bell of King Sŏngdŏk
Bell of King Sŏngdŏk, bronze, 771 ce, Unified...
Kyongju National Museum
death mask of gold and silver alloy
Death mask of gold and silver alloy with copper eyes and ears, Chimú kingdom (c....
Ferdinand Anton
gold mask of Xipe Totec
Xipe Totec mask, gold cast by the lost-wax method, Mixtec culture, c. 900–1494; in...
Ferdinand Anton
Head of an oba
Head of an oba, brass sculpture by Edo artists in the court of the kingdom of Benin...
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979, (1979.206.87);