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- enamelwork
- bronze work
- copper work
- ironwork
- silverwork
In pre-Columbian America, gold, silver, and copper were the principal metals that were worked, with tin, lead, and platinum used less frequently. When the Spaniards arrived in the New World in the 16th century, they found a wide range of well-developed technical skills in fine metalwork in Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, and the Andean region. They had very little to offer the Indian smiths, who had already mastered the techniques of cold hammering and annealing; embossed decoration and chasing; pressing sheet gold over or into carved molds to make a series of identical forms; sheathing wood, bone, resin, and shell ornaments with gold foil; decorating with metal inlays and incrustation with jade, rock crystal, turquoise, and other stones; joining by clinching, stapling, and soldering; possibly drawing gold wire (in Ecuador and western Mexico); casting by the lost-wax method of solid and hollow ornaments, often with false filigree or false granulation decoration; wash gilding; and coloring alloys containing gold by “pickling” in plant acids. There was some regional specialization: hammer work in “raising” a vessel from a flat disk of sheet gold or silver reached its apogee in Peru, and lost-wax casting was highly developed in Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, and Mexico. Miniature, hollow lost-wax castings of the Mixtec goldsmiths in Mexico have never been surpassed in delicacy, realism, and precision; and some solid-cast frogs from Panama are so tiny and fine that they must be viewed through a magnifying glass to be appreciated. In Mexico bimetallic objects of gold and silver were made by two-stage casting; the gold part was cast first and the silver, which has a lower melting point, was then “cast on” to the gold in a separate operation. (A famous example is the pectoral of Teotitlán del Camino in the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City.) A silver llama in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City indicates that the Peruvian smiths had taken the first step toward cloisonné, the cloisons being filled with cinnabar instead of enamel.
A truly great technological and artistic triumph of the pre-Hispanic workers in Ecuador was the making of complex beads of microscopic fineness from an alloy of gold and platinum. This feat was achieved by sintering (to combine by alternately hammering and heating without melting) gold dust and small grains of alluvial platinum. (Platinum was a metal not to be used in Europe until 500 or 600 years later.)
As in other early cultures, the pre-Hispanic goldsmiths were a privileged and highly respected group, sometimes having their own patron deity such as Xipe Totec in Mexico or Chibchachun in Colombia. In Peru just before and at the time of the Conquest, the goldsmith (kori-camayoc) is said to have been a full-time government worker, who was supported by the state and who produced exclusively for the Inca. According to early Mexican picture writings (codices) and accounts of the Spanish chroniclers, the craft was hereditary, the secrets passed on from father to son.
The earliest examples of metalwork in the New World come from the “Old Copper” culture that flourished in the upper Great Lakes region of North America beginning about 4000 bce and continuing over the course of the next 2,000 years. The earliest goldwork is considerably later and consists of sheet-gold adornments with embossed decoration from Chongoyape, Peru, that were made sometime between 1000 and 500 bce. Casting seems to have begun in Moche times early in the Christian era in northern Peru, whence it is thought to have spread northward into Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, and finally Mexico. Dating in the intervening areas is problematical, but it is generally accepted that fine metalwork in gold, silver, and copper did not reach the valley of Oaxaca in Mexico until about 900 ce. Some finds in western Mexico suggest an earlier beginning date there and also that knowledge of the craft came by sea rather than overland from South America.
It is said that the Spaniards saw some pre-Columbian goldwork when they first arrived in Florida, but none seems to have survived. Some pre-European North American copper work, however, has survived. Metalwork was limited to a few regions in pre-European times. The “Old Copper” culture people took advantage of deposits of native copper (as opposed to smelting copper ores) to make tools and implements, and at a later period the Hopewell people extensively made copper ornaments and weapons, produced by cold hammering. A few copper bells also have been found in Arizona Hohokam sites, but these are imports that were manufactured in Mexico.
Southwest Indian
The famed Indian silverwork in the southwestern United States did not begin until 1853, when the craft was introduced to the Navajo by Mexican smiths. Although the origin is Mexican, certain ornament types and modes of decoration among the Navajo, as one scholar points out, trace back to earlier Indian silverworking in the eastern woodland, the plains, and the Rocky Mountains. It was not until 1872 that the first Zuni smith learned the craft from the Navajo. The Zuni had been carving turquoise long before the introduction of silversmithing, so it is not surprising that the most prominent characteristic of Zuni work is the extravagant use of turquoise insets. Navajo work is distinguished by die-stamped designs, whereas die work is very rare in Zuni silver. Authentic Navajo and Zuni pieces of distinction are still being made.
The outstanding center for fine handwork in silver in the Western Hemisphere is the little village of Taxco in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. An American resident, William Spratling, revived the ancient craft there in 1931 and trained a whole generation of talented silversmiths.
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