Physics, SEI-YEL

What’s the matter? Matter is the material substance that constitutes our whole observable universe, and it is the subject of study of physics. Physics, the basic physical science, studies objects ranging from the very small (using quantum mechanics) to the entire universe (using general relativity). It deals with the structure of matter and how the fundamental constituents of the universe interact.
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Physics Encyclopedia Articles By Title

seismograph, instrument that makes a record of seismic waves caused by an earthquake, explosion, or other Earth-shaking......
seismology, scientific discipline that is concerned with the study of earthquakes and of the propagation of seismic......
selection rule
selection rule, in quantum mechanics, any of a set of restrictions governing the likelihood that a physical system......
shell atomic model
shell atomic model, simplified description of the structure of atoms that was first proposed by the physicists......
shell nuclear model
shell nuclear model, description of nuclei of atoms by analogy with the Bohr atomic model of electron energy levels.......
soil mechanics
soil mechanics, the study of the physical properties and utilization of soils, especially used in planning foundations......
solar constant
solar constant, the total radiation energy received from the Sun per unit of time per unit of area on a theoretical......
solar neutrino problem
solar neutrino problem, long-standing astrophysics problem in which the amount of observed neutrinos originating......
sound intensity
sound intensity, amount of energy flowing per unit time through a unit area that is perpendicular to the direction......
sound production
sound production, in animals, the initiation of sound as a means of information transmission. Sounds are termed......
speed, in photography, any of those standards that indicate (1) the size of the lens opening, or aperture, (2)......
speed of light
speed of light, speed at which light waves propagate through different materials. In particular, the value for......
speed of sound
speed of sound, speed at which sound waves propagate through different materials. In particular, for dry air at......
spherical aberration
spherical aberration, in optics, a phenomenon in which the outer parts of a lens do not bring light rays into the......
standard model
standard model, the combination of two theories of particle physics into a single framework to describe all interactions......
statics, in physics, the subdivision of mechanics that is concerned with the forces that act on bodies at rest......
statistical mechanics
statistical mechanics, branch of physics that combines the principles and procedures of statistics with the laws......
stereoscopy, science and technology dealing with two-dimensional drawings or photographs that when viewed by both......
string theory
string theory, in particle physics, a theory that attempts to merge quantum mechanics with Albert Einstein’s general......
sunlight, solar radiation that is visible at Earth’s surface. The amount of sunlight is dependent on the extent......
supergravity, a type of quantum field theory of elementary subatomic particles and their interactions that is based......
supersymmetry, in particle physics, a symmetry between fermions (subatomic particles with half-integer values of......
symmetry, in physics, the concept that the properties of particles such as atoms and molecules remain unchanged......
Thomson atomic model
Thomson atomic model, earliest theoretical description of the inner structure of atoms, proposed about 1900 by......
timbre, quality of auditory sensations produced by the tone of a sound wave. The timbre of a sound depends on its......
time reversal
time reversal, in physics, mathematical operation of replacing the expression for time with its negative in formulas......
tone, in acoustics, sound that can be recognized by its regularity of vibration. A simple tone has only one frequency,......
transition, alteration of a physical system from one state, or condition, to another. In atomic and particle physics,......
transmission electron microscope
transmission electron microscope (TEM), type of electron microscope that has three essential systems: (1) an electron......
tribology, the study of the interaction of sliding surfaces. It includes three subjects: friction, wear, and lubrication......
tristimulus system
tristimulus system, a system for visually matching a colour under standardized conditions against the three primary......
ultramicroscope, microscope arrangement used to study colloidal-size particles that are too small to be visible......
ultrasonics, vibrations of frequencies greater than the upper limit of the audible range for humans—that is, greater......
ultraviolet astronomy
ultraviolet astronomy, study of the ultraviolet spectra of astronomical objects. Ultraviolet radiation comes from......
ultraviolet telescope
ultraviolet telescope, telescope used to examine the ultraviolet portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, between......
unified field theory
unified field theory, in particle physics, an attempt to describe all fundamental forces and the relationships......
universal gas constant
universal gas constant, (symbol R), fundamental physical constant arising in the formulation of the ideal gas law.......
violet, in physics, light in the wavelength range of 380–450 nanometres in the visible spectrum. The shortest wavelength......
wave function
wave function, in quantum mechanics, variable quantity that mathematically describes the wave characteristics of......
wave mechanics
wave mechanics, quantum mechanics, especially that version originally developed (1926) by the Austrian physicist......
wear, the removal of material from a solid surface as a result of mechanical action exerted by another solid. Wear......
white, in physics, light seen by the human eye when all wavelengths of the visible spectrum combine. Like black,......
white noise
white noise, in music, the effect of the complete range of audible sound-wave frequencies heard simultaneously,......
Why Are Plants Green?
Plants are green because of a pigment found in the chloroplasts of plant cells called chlorophyll. It plays a crucial......
Why Is The Ocean Blue?
When sunlight hits the ocean, the different colors of the solar spectrum are either absorbed or scattered by water......
X-ray astronomy
X-ray astronomy, Study of astronomical objects and phenomena that emit radiation at X-ray wavelengths. Because......
X-ray microscope
X-ray microscope, instrument that uses X-rays to produce enlarged images of small objects. The basic device uses......
yellow, in physics, light in the wavelength range of 570–580 nanometres, which is in the middle of the visible......

Physics Encyclopedia Articles By Title