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Using phototypesetting, a direct image of the text is obtained, positive or negative, according to need, on a photosensitive, usually transparent surface by exposing the surface to light through transparent matrices, negative or positive, of the letters and symbols.
Manual phototypesetters
Several small machines permit phototypesetting of short texts and titles in conditions to a greater or lesser degree short of automation. Among them are the following:
Dantype uses separate transparent plastic matrices, which are assembled in a composing stick and placed in direct contact with the photosensitive film inside the machine.
Typro makes use of letters and symbols on a negative film that moves to and fro to place the desired type piece in contact with the photosensitive film.
Headliner incorporates letters and symbols that appear in negative on an interchangeable plastic disk whose position is controlled from outside. The film is exposed by contact.
Hadego uses plastic matrices assembled in a composing stick, exposure taking place through an adjustable photographic lens that permits enlarging or reducing. With just two series of 350 matrices, one with a 20-point body, the other with a 48-point body, all sizes of type from eight to 110 points can be obtained.
The Starlettograph, comparable to an ordinary photographic enlarger, can be used only in a darkroom. The type, inscribed on a semirigid plastic tape, is set in position one piece at a time, using red light that does not affect the photosensitive film.
Letterphot works on the same principle as the photographic enlarger but on a luminous table. A first projection is made of all the characters of a line without the sensitive surface. Then the sensitive surface is placed on the luminous image of the line, which appears transparently and cannot therefore make an impression. Letters are successively printed in a two-part operation. First the letter is projected in normal light to cause it to coincide with its luminous image; the normal light does not make an impression on the sensitive surface, because the latter has a special composition. After this adjustment has been made, the letter is projected in actinic (photographically active) light, which exposes the sensitive surface.
Diatyp and the Monotype photoheadliner (as well as the Varityper, which is similar in composition) are more elaborate phototypesetters, easier to operate and permitting production speeds of nearly one character per second. The image of each character on the matrix disk is controlled by a symbol that is read by photoelectric cells and which automatically moves the film forward the same amount as the space taken up in the line by the character. A totalizing calculator informs the operator of the rate at which the line is being completed, and justification can be achieved by a first typing without having the source of light in operation; in a second typing, the spaces between the words are adjusted the necessary amount. Adjusting the lens of the Diatyp produces characters ranging in size from four to 36 points and, using the Monotype, from five to 84 points.
Automatic phototypesetting
The first Linofilm was a direct adaptation of the Linotype. Its photographic matrices were the normal Linotype matrices, the only difference being that, instead of bearing an intaglio engraving of the character on their face, they bore its outline in black on a white background. Lines were composed in exactly the same way as on the typesetter, justification being carried out by expanding the spacebands. The justified line is then passed a single time in front of a lens to be photographed.
The Fotosetter is an adaptation of the Intertype machine but with functional differences. The matrices resemble matrices used for casting; they have the same notching and different thicknesses, depending on the character. But the outline of the character, instead of being inscribed on the face, is a transparency (i.e., a photographic negative), in a capsule set into the level surface of the matrix. These special matrices are called fotomats. In place of spacebands there are space fotomats of different thicknesses.
The Fotosetter is equipped with magazines of 117 channels, 27 more than the typesetters, with an enlarged keyboard of 114 keys.
Once the line has been assembled and justified, using space fotomats of the necessary sizes, the fotomats move inside an optical apparatus that sends a brief flash of light toward the sensitive film. After each exposure, the support of this film is moved slightly sideways by a rack-and-pinion system commanded by the withdrawal of the next fotomat from its alignment; the matrix moves in proportion to the thickness of this fotomat. When all the type pieces in a line have been photographed, the film unwinds the correct amount to present a clean surface ready for the phototypesetting of a new line, while the fotomats are carried off to the distribution bar.
Equipped with a turret of 14 different lenses, the optical apparatus produces 14 sizes of type from three to 72 points, from the same set of fotomats of uniform 12-point size.
The Monophoto is a direct adaptation of the Monotype system with, on the one hand, an independent keyboard that produces a wide perforated tape in the Monotype code and, on the other, a phototypesetter operated by inserting this tape. The type pieces are chosen by positioning a frame, which carries 17 rows of 20 cubelike matrices in which the letter or symbol appears as a transparency, in negative, in the path of a beam of light. This beam, after proper processing, is directed toward the sensitive film, on which it makes an impression. It first travels through a combination of magnifying glasses and prisms whose position in relation to each other is adjusted to obtain the desired ratio of enlargement or reduction. The sensitive film remains stationary on the drum carrying it as a composed line, while the element that enables the beam of light to move from letter to letter is a set of two mirrors placed face to face at a 90° angle and mounted on a mobile carriage. Before each exposure, this set of mirrors shifts, parallel to the direction of the sensitive film, the same amount of space as the width of the character about to be composed. This amount of space depends also on the number of units of set of the letter or symbol and on the ratio of photographic enlargement or reduction. The movement of the mirrors is thus subjected to the command mechanisms of two factors: the position of the frame, since the matrices are arranged in rows of the same units of set, and the adjustment of the combination of magnifying glasses and prisms.
Justification is accomplished, as on the typesetter, by predetermining the width of the spaces between the words. Since the justification perforations appear before those for the type pieces, they establish for the line to come the amount of space the set of mirrors has to shift at each space command punched in the perforated tape.
After all of the type in a line has been photographed, the set of mirrors returns to its original position, and the drum bearing the sensitive film turns the amount necessary to continue on to the composition of the next line according to the degree of line spacing (leading) chosen.
Using matrices of a single eight-point size, the Monophoto makes available the whole range or type size from six to 24 points. For perfect photographic reproduction it is usually found preferable to use two or three sizes of matrices to cover this range. Given the quality of its production, the Monophoto, sometimes linked to a unit programmed to prepare the tape, is popular for work that demands careful composition.