Life Cycle, Processes & Properties, PHL-PSY
None of us are born looking exactly the way that we do today; this is because humans, like other species, undergo a series of changes as they mature and age, in accordance with their biological life cycle. This process can look very different across different species. In many simple organisms and in higher animals, the life cycle is completed within a single generation, while in most plants, the life cycle is multigenerational.
Life Cycle, Processes & Properties Encyclopedia Articles By Title
phlebothrombosis, formation of a blood clot in a vein that is not inflamed. Inactivity, such as bed rest during......
phobia, an extreme, irrational fear of a specific object or situation. A phobia is classified as a type of anxiety......
phoresy, transportation of one organism by another, more mobile one. The term is not applied to a parasitic relationship,......
phosphorus deficiency, condition in which phosphorus is insufficient or is not utilized properly. Phosphorus is......
photodynamism, conversion of certain substances in the skin of animals into other substances by the action of light.......
photolysis, chemical process by which molecules are broken down into smaller units through the absorption of light.......
photoperiodism, the functional or behavioral response of an organism to changes of duration in daily, seasonal,......
photoreception, any of the biological responses of animals to stimulation by light. In animals, photoreception......
photorecovery, restoration to the normal state, by the action of visible light, of the deoxyribonucleic acid composing......
photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical......
pica, mental health condition, a type of eating disorder, characterized by the compulsive eating of substances......
Pick disease, form of premature dementia caused by atrophy of the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. It resembles......
pickwickian syndrome, a complex of respiratory and circulatory symptoms associated with extreme obesity. The name......
pineal tumour, mass of abnormal tissue arising in the pineal gland and occurring most often in children and young......
pinguecula, very common yellow-white nodule in the conjunctiva at the front of the eye, usually on the side of......
pinta, chronic tropical skin disease characterized initially by the appearance of dry, scaly papular lesions followed......
piriformis syndrome, irritation of the sciatic nerve as it passes over, under, or through the piriformis muscle......
pituitary tumour, most common cause of enlargement of the sella turcica, the bone cavity in the head in which the......
placenta, in zoology, the vascular (supplied with blood vessels) organ in most mammals that unites the fetus to......
placenta accreta, abnormal adherence of the placenta to the wall of the uterus, so that it remains in the uterus......
placenta praevia, implantation of the placenta at a point so low in the uterus that the placenta is close to the......
placental abruption, premature separation of the placenta from its normal implantation site in the uterus. The......
placental infarction, formation of yellowish white or bloodstained deposits of fibrin (a fibrous protein) on the......
plague, infectious disease caused by Yersinia pestis, a bacterium transmitted from rodents to humans by the bite......
plant development, a multiphasic process in which two distinct plant forms succeed each other in alternating generations.......
- Introduction
- Germination, Embryogenesis, Maturation
- Zygote, Embryo, Seedling
- Embryogenesis, Meristems, Apical
- Nutrient Dependence, Embryo Nutrition, Seed Germination
- Breaking Dormancy
- Meristems, Growth, Cells
- Shoot System, Derivatives
- Leaf Production, Photosynthesis, Morphogenesis
- Branching, Shoot, Axillary Buds
- Root System, Derivatives
- Correlations, Morphogenesis, Genetics
- Environmental Control, Hormones, Genes
- Senescence, Aging, Growth
plant disease, an impairment of the normal state of a plant that interrupts or modifies its vital functions. All......
- Introduction
- Causes, Symptoms, Prevention
- Epiphytotics, Symptoms, Control
- Soil pH, Fungi, Bacteria
- Symptoms, Causes, Control
- Chemical Control, Prevention, Treatment
- Resistance, Breeding, Genetics
- Toxic Chemicals
- Transmission, Pathogens, Symptoms
- Symptoms, Causes, Treatments
- Causes, Symptoms, Prevention
- Nematodes, Parasitic, Control
plantar fasciitis, swelling or degeneration of the plantar fascia, the thick band of connective tissue that runs......
play, in zoology, behaviour performed in the absence of normal stimuli or behaviour elicited by normal stimuli......
pleural effusion, accumulation of watery fluid in the pleural cavity, between the membrane lining the thoracic......
pleurisy, inflammation of the pleura, the membranes that line the thoracic cavity and fold in to cover the lungs.......
pleurodynia, viral (coxsackie B) epidemic disease with an incubation period of two to four days, marked by a brief......
pleuropneumonia, lung disease of cattle and sheep, characterized by inflammation of the lungs and caused by the......
Plummer disease, thyroid condition characterized by marked enlargement of the thyroid gland (goitre), firm thyroid......
pneumoconiosis, any of many lung diseases caused by the inhalation of a variety of organic or inorganic dusts or......
pneumonia, inflammation and consolidation of the lung tissue as a result of infection, inhalation of foreign particles,......
pneumothorax, condition in which air accumulates in the pleural space, causing it to expand and thus compress the......
poison, in biochemistry, a substance, natural or synthetic, that causes damage to living tissues and has an injurious......
- Introduction
- Cell Membrane, Biochemistry, Transport
- Topical Skin, Biochemistry, Effects
- Dose, Exposure, Biochemistry
- Biotransformation, Toxicity, Antidotes
- Allergies, Toxins, Symptoms
- Carcinogenesis, Toxins, Chemicals
- Toxins, Venoms, Chemicals
- Herbicides, Toxicity, Chemicals
- Air Pollution, Chemicals, Health
- Drugs, Abuse, Biochemistry
- Plant Toxins, Phytotoxins, Alkaloids
- Animal, Zootoxins, Biochemistry
- Radiation, Toxicity, Effects
- UV Rays, Toxins, Health Effects
polio, acute viral infectious disease of the nervous system that usually begins with general symptoms such as fever,......
pollination, transfer of pollen grains from the stamens (the flower parts that produce them) to the ovule-bearing......
polyarteritis nodosa, inflammation of blood vessels and surrounding tissue; it may affect functioning of adjacent......
polychondritis, chronic disease characterized by inflammation and destruction of the cartilage of various tissues......
polycythemia, abnormal increase in red blood cells (erythrocytes) and hemoglobin in the circulation, a situation......
polydactyly, condition that is present at birth in which a person has more than five fingers on a hand or more......
polyembryony, a condition in which two or more embryos develop from a single fertilized egg, forming what in humans......
polyglandular autoimmune syndrome, either of two familial syndromes in which affected patients have multiple endocrine......
polymyalgia rheumatica, joint disease that is fairly common in people over the age of 50, with an average age of......
polymyositis, chronic, progressive inflammation of skeletal muscles, particularly the muscles of the shoulders......
polyomavirus, (family Polyomaviridae), any of a subgroup of minute oncogenic DNA viruses of the family Polyomaviridae.......
polyp, in medicine, any growth projecting from the wall of a cavity lined with a mucous membrane. A polyp may have......
polyuria, daily output of an excessive amount of urine. In humans, polyuria involves the output of more than three......
Pompe’s disease, hereditary defect in the body’s ability to metabolize glycogen, resulting in a muscle disorder......
porphyria, any of a group of diseases characterized by the marked overproduction and excretion of porphyrins or......
porphyrin, any of a class of water-soluble, nitrogenous biological pigments (biochromes), derivatives of which......
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), emotional condition that sometimes follows a traumatic event, particularly......
postmature birth, in humans, any birth that occurs more than 42 weeks after conception, at which time placental......
postpartum depression, depressive disorder sometimes occurring in mothers following childbirth (parturition). Postpartum......
potassium deficiency, condition in which potassium is insufficient or is not utilized properly. Potassium is a......
Pott disease, disease caused by infection of the spinal column, or vertebral column, by the tuberculosis bacillus,......
powdery mildew, plant disease of worldwide occurrence that causes a powdery growth on the surface of leaves, buds,......
pox disease, any of a complex of viral diseases in humans and other animals, marked chiefly by eruptions of the......
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), a rare human genetic disorder characterized by weak muscle tone at birth, small stature,......
precocious puberty, abnormally early onset of human sexual development. In girls, precocious puberty is defined......
predation, in animal behaviour, the pursuit, capture, and killing of animals for food. Predatory animals may be......
preeclampsia and eclampsia, hypertensive conditions that are induced by pregnancy. Preeclampsia, also called gestational......
pregnancy, process and series of changes that take place in a woman’s organs and tissues as a result of a developing......
- Introduction
- Duration, Development, Trimesters
- Uterus, Placenta, Development
- Fertilization, Embryo, Implantation
- Anatomy, Physiology, Organs
- Gastrointestinal, Nutrition, Development
- Urinary Tract, Nutrition, Development
- Blood Changes, Nutrition, Care
- Metabolism, Hormones, Nutrition
- Prenatal Care, Testing, Nutrition
- Abnormal Changes, Complications, Risks
- Abortion, Fetal Development, Complications
- Systemic Diseases, Complications, Risks
- Adrenal Glands, Hormones, Development
- Gastrointestinal, Diseases, Symptoms
- Gestational Diabetes, Nutrition, Exercise
- Placental Inflammation
- Trophoblastic Disease, Placenta, Embryo
premature birth, in humans, any birth that occurs less than 37 weeks after conception. A full-term pregnancy lasts......
premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a medical condition in which a group of characteristic physical and emotional symptoms......
prenatal development, in humans, the process encompassing the period from the formation of an embryo, through the......
- Introduction
- Implantation, Placentation
- Amniotic Sac, Embryo, Fetus
- Growth, Differentiation, Fetal
- Embryonic Form, Growth, Development
- Fetal Growth, Nutrition, Environment
- Fetal Growth, Organs, & Systems
- Brain Development, Neural Migration, Neurons
- Sense Organs
- Muscles, Growth, Development
- Urinary System, Fetal Growth, Hormones
- Embryo, Placenta, Amniotic Sac
- Abnormalities, Complications, Risks
presbycusis, gradual impairment of hearing in old age. Ordinarily it is not experienced until after the age of......
presbyopia, loss of ability to focus the eye sharply on near objects as a result of the decreasing elasticity of......
presentation, in childbirth, the position of the fetus at the time of delivery. The presenting part is the part......
prevalence, in epidemiology, the proportion of a population with a disease or a particular condition at a specific......
priapism, a persistent, painful erection of the penis unaccompanied by sexual excitation or desire. When normal......
primary sex character, features present at birth that comprise the external and internal genitalia, including the......
processionary caterpillar, larval stage characteristic of the small insect family Thaumetopoeidae (order Lepidoptera),......
proctitis, acute inflammatory infection of the anus and rectum. The most common cause of proctitis is the direct......
progeria, any of several rare human disorders associated with premature aging. The two major types of progeria......
prolapse, a downward protrusion of an internal organ out of its normal cavity. The term is usually applied to protrusion......
prophase, the initial stage of mitosis and of the mitotic division of meiosis, characterized by the formation of......
proprioception, the perception by an animal of stimuli relating to its own position, posture, equilibrium, or internal......
prosopagnosia, neurological disorder in which affected persons are unable to recognize faces, despite having healthy......
prostate cancer, disease characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells within the prostate gland, a walnut-sized......
prostatic disorder, any of the abnormalities and diseases that afflict the prostate gland in the male reproductive......
protein, highly complex substance that is present in all living organisms. Proteins are of great nutritional value......
- Introduction
- Amino Acids, Structure, Function
- Amino Acids, Physicochem.
- Alpha Helix, Beta Sheet, Coil
- Isolation, Determination, Structure
- Structure, Folding, Conformation
- Hydration, Structure, Function
- Electrophoresis, Separation, Structure
- Spectroscopy, Structure, Function
- Denaturation, Structure, Function
- Interfaces, Conformation, Structure
- Structure, Function, Amino Acids
- Keratin, Structure, Function
- Muscle, Structure, Function
- Blood Serum, Structure, Function
- Plant Sources, Structure, Function
- Nucleic Acids, Structure, Function
- Hormones, Structure, Function
- Immunoglobulins, Antibodies, Immunity
- Enzymes, Structure, Function
- Enzymes, Metabolism, Catalysis
- Structure, Function, Metabolism
- Cofactors, Enzymes, Amino Acids
- Active Site, Structure, Function
- Enzymes, Specificity, Structure
- Enzymes, Action, Mechanism
- Enzymes, Inhibition, Regulation
proteinuria, presence of protein in the urine, usually as albumin. Protein is not normally found in the urine of......
prothallium, the small, green, heart-shaped structure (gametophyte) of a fern that produces both male and female......
protozoal disease, disease caused by protozoans. These organisms may remain in the human host for their entire......
pseudocopulation, the action of a male insect, such as a bee, wasp, or fly, that tries to mate with a flower whose......
pseudohermaphroditism, a condition in which the individual has a single chromosomal and gonadal sex but combines......
pseudopodial locomotion, movement that results when a cell extends a temporary projection of membrane and then......
pseudorabies, viral disease mainly of cattle and swine but also affecting sheep, goats, dogs, cats, raccoons, opossums,......
pseudotuberculosis, any of several diseases that are marked by the formation of tubercle-like nodules, similar......
pseudoxanthoma elasticum, inherited disease in which the premature breakdown of exposed skin occurs. It is characterized......
psittacine beak and feather disease, debilitating disease of birds cause by a circovirus that infects wild and......
psittacosis, infectious disease of worldwide distribution caused by the bacterial parasite Chlamydia psittaci and......
psoriasis, a chronic, recurrent inflammatory skin disorder. The most common type, called plaque psoriasis (psoriasis......
psorosis, disease of Citrus plant species caused by several related viruses (family Ophioviridae). Given that the......
psychological development, the development of human beings’ cognitive, emotional, intellectual, and social capabilities......
psychopathology, the study of mental disorders and unusual or maladaptive behaviours. An understanding of the genesis......
psychopathy, personality disorder characterized by a set of dysfunctional interpersonal, emotional, lifestyle,......