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Denali National Park and Preserve summary
Denali National Park and Preserve, large natural area, south-central...
hippopotamus summary
hippopotamus, Huge amphibious African mammal (Hippopotamus amphibius).
penguin summary
penguin, Any of 18–21 species (order Sphenisciformes) of flightless...
Walther Hermann Nernst summary
Walther Hermann Nernst, (born June 25, 1864, Briesen, Prussia—died...
kangaroo summary
kangaroo, Most specifically, any of six large Australasian marsupials...
Dmitri Mendeleev summary
Dmitri Mendeleev, Mendeleyev also spelled Dmitry Mendeleyev ,...
panda summary
panda, or giant panda , Species (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, family...
Steve Wozniak summary
Steve Wozniak, in full Stephen Gary Wozniak , (born Aug. 11,...
International Space Station summary
International Space Station (ISS), Space station assembled from...
Jupiter summary
Jupiter, Fifth planet from the Sun, the largest nonstellar object...
tropical cyclone summary
tropical cyclone, or typhoon or hurricane , Severe atmospheric...
water pollution summary
water pollution, The release of substances into a body of water...
avocado summary
avocado, Fruit of Persea americana, of the laurel family, a...
Leonardo da Vinci summary
Leonardo da Vinci, (born April 15, 1452, Anchiano, Republic...
marsupial summary
marsupial, Any mammal of the infraclass Marsupialia, characterized...
bryophyte summary
bryophyte, Any of the green, seedless, nonvascular land plants,...
conifer summary
conifer, Any member of the order Pinales, woody plants that...
fern summary
fern, Any of about 10,000–15,000 species (class Polypodiopsida)...
gymnosperm summary
gymnosperm, Any of the more than 1,000 species of woody vascular...
E.O. Wilson summary
Key Terms: Human Evolution
This list provides definitions of important terms that will help...
flower summary
flower, Reproductive portion of any flowering plant (angiosperm).
fruit summary
fruit, In its strict botanical sense, the fleshy or dry ripened...
leaf summary
leaf, Any usually flattened green outgrowth from the stem of...
root summary
root, In botany, the part of a vascular plant that is normally...
seed summary
seed, Reproductive structure in plants that consists of a plant...
stem summary
stem, In botany, axis of vascular plants that emerges from the...
Marie Curie summary
Marie Curie, orig.
Newton’s laws of motion summary
Newton’s laws of motion, Relations between the forces acting...
gruiform summary
gruiform, Any member of the order Gruiformes, which contains...
John Herschel summary
John Herschel, in full Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 1st...
procellariiform summary
procellariiform, Any of about 140 species of seabirds that make...
psittaciform summary
psittaciform, Any member of Psittaciformes, an order of more...
gasterosteiform summary
gasterosteiform, Any member of the order Gasterosteiformes,...
geothermal energy summary
geothermal energy, Power obtained by using heat from Earth’s...
piciform summary
piciform, Any member of the order Piciformes, which includes...
solar energy summary
solar energy, Radiation from the Sun that can produce heat,...
wind power summary
wind power, Electricity produced by turbines using the energy...
paleoceanography summary
paleoceanography, Scientific study of Earth’s oceanographic...
minimum viable population summary
minimum viable population (MVP), Numerical threshold that specifies...
African gray parrot summary
African gray parrot, byname African gray or gray parrot , African...
coloration summary
coloration, General appearance of an organism as determined...
Africa summary
Africa, Second largest continent on Earth.
owl summary
owl, Any bird of prey in the mostly nocturnal order Strigiformes,...
sustainability summary
sustainability, Long-term viability of a community, set of social...
white nose syndrome summary
white nose syndrome, Epidemic disease of hibernating bats in...
animal reproductive system summary
animal reproductive system, Any of the organ systems by which...
Scottish Enlightenment summary
Scottish Enlightenment, Combination of minds, ideas, and publications...
parasitic disease summary
parasitic disease, In humans, any illness caused by a parasite,...
Bruce Ames summary
Bruce Ames, (born December 16, 1928, New York City, New York,...
ion-exchange reaction summary
ion-exchange reaction, Any of a class of chemical reactions...
Henry Norris Russell summary
Henry Norris Russell, (born Oct. 25, 1877, Oyster Bay, N.Y.,...
SpaceShipOne summary
SpaceShipOne (SS1), The first privately developed crewed space...
measure of association summary
measure of association, In statistics, any of various factors...
Comprehension Quiz: Water Scarcity
Use this quiz to test how much you know about water scarcity.
apterygote summary
apterygote, Any of the primitive wingless insects, distinct...
Comprehension Quiz: Megalodon
Use this quiz to test how much you know about megalodon, believed...
lower vascular plant summary
lower vascular plant, formerly pteridophyte also called vascular...
mathematics summary
mathematics, Science of structure, order, and relation that...
primate summary
primate, Any of more than 300 species of the order Primates,...
virus summary
virus, Microscopic, simple infectious agent that can multiply...
acarid summary
acarid, Any member of the subclass Acari, which includes the...
Aristotle summary
Aristotle, (born 384 bce, Stagira—died 322 bce, Chalcis), ancient...
photosynthesis summary
photosynthesis, Process by which green plants and certain other...
respiratory system summary
respiratory system, Organ system involved in respiration.
Brassicales summary
Brassicales, order of flowering plants that includes cabbages...
hydroelectric power summary
hydroelectric power, Electricity produced from generators driven...
corn summary
corn, or maize , Cereal plant (Zea mays) of the grass family...
aardvark summary
aardvark, or African ant bear , Heavily built mammal (Orycteropus...
human skeleton summary
human skeleton, Internal skeleton that serves as a framework...
wasabi summary
wasabi, Japanese horseradish plant (Eutrema japonicum) and a...
megalodon summary
megalodon, Extinct shark (Carcharocles megalodon) of the family...
Edward Abbey summary
Edward Abbey, (born Jan. 29, 1927, Indiana, Pa., U.S.—died March...
aberration summary
aberration, Deviation of light rays by lenses or curved mirrors...
acclimatization summary
acclimatization, Any of numerous gradual, long-term responses...
acetylcholine summary
acetylcholine, Ester of choline and acetic acid, a neurotransmitter...
acid rain summary
acid rain, Any precipitation, including snow, that contains...
acoustics summary
acoustics, Science of production, control, transmission, reception,...
actinide summary
actinide, Any of the series of 15 consecutive chemical elements...
action potential summary
action potential, Brief (about one-thousandth of a second) reversal...
adaptation summary
adaptation, In biology, the process by which an animal or plant...
Addison disease summary
Addison disease, Disease in which gradual atrophy of the adrenal...
adolescence summary
adolescence, Period of life from puberty to adulthood (roughly...
adrenal gland summary
adrenal gland, or suprarenal gland , Either of two small triangular...
aerodynamics summary
aerodynamics, Branch of physics concerned with the forces acting...
agaric summary
agaric, Any fungus of the family Agaricaceae, including the...
aging summary
aging, Gradual change in an organism that leads to increased...
Georgius Agricola summary
Georgius Agricola, orig.
AIDS summary
AIDS, in full acquired immunodeficiency syndrome , Transmissible...
air mass summary
air mass, In meteorology, a large body of air having nearly...
air pollution summary
air pollution, Release into the atmosphere of gases, finely...
albatross summary
albatross, Any of more than a dozen species of large seabirds...
alcohol summary
alcohol, Any of a class of common organic compounds that contain...
alcoholism summary
alcoholism, Excessive habitual consumption of alcoholic beverages...
aldehyde summary
aldehyde, Any of a class of organic compounds that contain a...
Jean Le Rond d’ Alembert summary
Jean Le Rond d’ Alembert, (born , Nov. 17, 1717, Paris, France—died...
algae summary
algae, Members of a group of mostly aquatic photosynthetic organisms...
algorithm summary
algorithm, Procedure that produces the answer to a question...
alkali summary
alkali, Inorganic compound, any soluble hydroxide (―OH) of the...
alkali metal summary
alkali metal, Any of the six chemical elements in the leftmost...
alkaline earth metal summary
alkaline earth metal, Any of the six chemical elements in the...
alkaloid summary
alkaloid, Basic (see base) organic compounds of plant origin,...
allergy summary
allergy, Exaggerated reaction by the body to foreign substances...
alligator summary
alligator, Either of two species of long-snouted reptiles constituting...
almond summary
almond, Tree (Prunus dulcis) in the rose family, native to South...
alpaca summary
alpaca, South American species (Lama pacos) in the camel family...
alternative energy summary
alternative energy, Any of various renewable power sources to...
aluminum summary
aluminum, Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Al, atomic...
Alzheimer disease summary
Alzheimer disease, Degenerative brain disorder.
amine summary
amine, Any of a class of nitrogen-containing organic compounds...
amino acid summary
amino acid, Any of a class of organic compounds in which a carbon...
ammonia summary
ammonia, Colourless, pungent gas composed of nitrogen and hydrogen,...
André Marie Ampère summary
André Marie Ampère, (born Jan. 22, 1775, Lyon, France—died June...
amphibole summary
amphibole, Any of a group of common rock-forming hydrous silicate...
amphioxus summary
amphioxus, or lancelet , Any of certain small marine chordates...
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) summary
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig disease ,...
anal canal summary
anal canal, End portion of the alimentary canal, distinguished...
analysis summary
analysis, Field of mathematics that incorporates the methods...
analytic geometry summary
analytic geometry, Investigation of geometric objects using...
anatomy summary
anatomy, Biological field that deals with bodily structures...
Anaxagoras summary
Anaxagoras, (born c. 500, Clazomenae, Anatolia—died c. 428 bc,...
Anaximander summary
Anaximander, (born 610 bc, Miletus—died 546/545 bc), Greek philosopher,...
androgen summary
androgen, Any of a group of hormones that mainly influence the...
animal communication summary
animal communication, Transmission of information from one animal...
animal rights summary
animal rights, rights, primarily against being killed and being...
anorexia nervosa summary
anorexia nervosa, Eating disorder, mostly in young women, characterized...
ant summary
ant, Any member of approximately 10,000 species of the social...
anteater summary
anteater, Any of four species of toothless, insect-eating placental...
antelope summary
antelope, Any of numerous species of Old World grazing or browsing...
anthrax summary
anthrax, Infectious disease of warm-blooded animals, caused...
antibody summary
antibody, Molecule in the immune system that circulates in blood...
antimetabolite summary
antimetabolite, Substance that competes with, replaces, or inhibits...
apatite summary
apatite, A member of the phosphate group of minerals, the world’s...
Apatosaurus summary
Apatosaurus, Genus of giant herbivorous dinosaur, one of the...
aphasia summary
aphasia, or dysphasia , Defect in the expression and comprehension...
apoptosis summary
apoptosis, or programmed cell death , Mechanism that allows...
apple summary
apple, Fruit of the genus Malus, in the rose family, the most...
aquamarine summary
aquamarine, Pale greenish blue or bluish green variety of beryl...
Werner Arber summary
Werner Arber, (born June 3, 1929, Gränichen, Switz.), Swiss...
arbovirus summary
arbovirus, Any of a large group of viruses that develop in arthropods...
archaea summary
archaea, A group of prokaryotes whose members differ from bacteria,...
archer fish summary
archer fish, Any of five species (family Toxotidae) of Indo-Pacific...
Archimedes summary
Archimedes, (born c. 290–280 bc, Syracuse, Sicily—died 212/211...
Arecibo Observatory summary
Arecibo Observatory, Astronomical observatory near Arecibo,...
arginine summary
arginine, One of the essential amino acids, particularly abundant...
argon summary
argon, Chemical element, chemical symbol Ar, atomic number 18.
arithmetic summary
arithmetic, Branch of mathematics that deals with the properties...
arsenic poisoning summary
arsenic poisoning, Harmful effects of arsenic compounds (in...
atherosclerosis summary
atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries , Chronic disease...
arteritis summary
arteritis, Inflammation of the arteries.
arthritis summary
arthritis, Inflammation of the joints and its effects.
asparagine summary
asparagine, One of the nonessential amino acids, widely distributed...
ass summary
ass, or wild ass , Either of two species of small, sturdy equines.
astatine summary
astatine, Radioactive chemical element and the heaviest halogen...
aster family summary
aster family, Family Asteraceae, one of the largest plant families...
asteroid summary
asteroid, Any of the many rocky small bodies that orbit the...
astrolabe summary
astrolabe, Type of early scientific instrument used for reckoning...
astronaut summary
astronaut, Person trained to pilot a spacecraft, operate any...
asymmetric synthesis summary
asymmetric synthesis, Chemical reaction by which unequal amounts...
atelectasis summary
atelectasis, or lung collapse , Lack of expansion of pulmonary...
athlete’s foot summary
athlete’s foot, Form of ringworm that affects the feet.
atomic number summary
atomic number, Number of a chemical element in the systematic,...
atomic physics summary
atomic physics, Scientific study of the structure of the atom,...
atomism summary
atomism, Philosophical doctrine that material objects are aggregates...
atrophy summary
atrophy, Decrease from previous normal size of the body or a...
atropine summary
atropine, Anticholinergic drug.
aurora summary
aurora, Luminous phenomenon of the upper atmosphere that occurs...
autoclave summary
autoclave, Vessel, usually of steel, able to withstand high...
automata theory summary
automata theory, Body of physical and logical principles underlying...
autonomic nervous system summary
autonomic nervous system, Part of the nervous system that is...
avalanche summary
avalanche, Large mass of material, such as snow or rock debris,...
aviary summary
aviary, Structure for keeping captive birds, usually spacious...
avoidance behaviour summary
avoidance behaviour, Type of activity, exhibited by animals...
Charles Babbage summary
Charles Babbage, (born Dec. 26, 1791, London, Eng.—died Oct....
baboon summary
baboon, Any of five species of robust monkeys (genus Papio)...
bacteriology summary
bacteriology, Study of bacteria.
badger summary
badger, Any of eight species of stout-bodied carnivores (family...
Leo Baekeland summary
Leo Baekeland, (born Nov. 14, 1863, Ghent, Belg.—died Feb. 23,...
Adolf von Baeyer summary
Adolf von Baeyer, (born Oct. 31, 1835, Berlin, Prussia—died...
arrhythmia summary
arrhythmia, Variation from the heartbeat’s normal rate or rhythm,...
acetate summary
acetate, C2H3O2− ion, a salt, ester, or acylal derived from...
astrobiology summary
astrobiology, multidisciplinary field dealing with the nature...
attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder summary
attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder (ADD or ADHD), formerly...
ocean summary
ocean, Large continuous body of salt water.
space station summary
space station, Crewed artificial structure designed to revolve...
zebra summary
zebra, Any of three species of black-and-white-striped equines...
algebra summary
algebra, Generalized version of arithmetic that uses variables...
amphibian summary
amphibian, Any member of a class (Amphibia) of cold-blooded...
annelid summary
annelid , Any member of a phylum (Annelida) of invertebrate...
Antarctica summary
Antarctica, Fifth largest continent on Earth.
arachnid summary
arachnid , Any member of the class Arachnida, primarily carnivorous...
arthropod summary
arthropod, Any member of the largest phylum, Arthropoda, in...
Asia summary
Asia, Largest continent on Earth.
astronomy summary
astronomy, Science dealing with the origin, evolution, composition,...
atmosphere summary
atmosphere, Gaseous envelope that surrounds the Earth.
atom summary
atom, Smallest unit into which matter can be divided and still...
bacteria summary
bacteria, Group of microscopic, single-celled organisms that...
bat summary
bat, Any member of more than 1,100 species (order Chiroptera)...
bear summary
bear, Generally massive, short-legged mammals constituting the...
beaver summary
beaver, Either species of the aquatic rodent family Castoridae...
biology summary
biology, Study of living things and their vital processes.
biosphere summary
biosphere, Relatively thin life-supporting stratum of the earth’s...
bird summary
bird, Any of the warm-blooded, beaked vertebrates of the class...
bivalve summary
bivalve, Any member of the mollusk class Bivalvia, or Pelecypoda,...
blood summary
blood, Circulatory fluid (see circulation) in multicellular...
bovid summary
bovid , Any ruminant of the family Bovidae.
caddis fly summary
caddis fly, Any member of about 7,000 species of mothlike aquatic...
camel summary
camel, Either of two species of large, hump-backed ruminants...
cancer summary
cancer, Any of a group of more than 100 distinct diseases that...
canine summary
canine, or canid , Any domestic or wild dog or doglike mammal...
cardiovascular system summary
cardiovascular system, System of vessels that convey blood to...
carnivorous plant summary
carnivorous plant, Any of about 600 diverse species of plants...
cat summary
cat, or feline , Any member of the family Felidae, the most...
cell summary
cell, In biology, the basic unit of which all living things...
cephalopod summary
cephalopod , Any marine mollusk of the class Cephalopoda (e.g.,...
cetacean summary
cetacean , Any of the exclusively aquatic placental mammals...
cheetah summary
cheetah, Slender, long-legged cat (Acinonyx jubatus) that lives...
analysis summary
analysis, In chemistry, the determination of the properties...
chemical compound summary
chemical compound, Any substance composed of identical molecules...
chemical element summary
chemical element, One of the 118 presently known kinds of substances...
chemistry summary
chemistry, Science that deals with the properties, composition,...
chemoreception summary
chemoreception , Process by which organisms respond to external...
chimpanzee summary
chimpanzee, Species (Pan troglodytes) of great ape that inhabits...
chloroplast summary
chloroplast, Microscopic, ellipsoidal organelle in a green plant...
circulatory system summary
circulatory system, System that transports nutrients, respiratory...
climate summary
climate, Condition of the atmosphere at a particular location...
cnidarian summary
cnidarian , or coelenterate , Any of about 9,000 species of...
combinatorics summary
combinatorics , Branch of mathematics concerned with the selection,...
comet summary
comet, Any of a class of small icy objects orbiting the Sun...
computer science summary
computer science, Study of computers, their design (see computer...
conservation summary
conservation, The scientific discipline concerned with the ways...
coordination compound summary
coordination compound, Class of substances with chemical structures...
cosmology summary
cosmology, Field of study that brings together the natural sciences,...
cow summary
cow, In animal husbandry, the mature female of domesticated...
crocodile summary
crocodile, Any of about a dozen tropical reptile species (family...
crustacean summary
crustacean , Any member of the 45,000 arthropod species in the...
crystal summary
crystal, Any solid material whose atoms are arranged in a definite...
Charles Darwin summary
Charles Darwin, (born Feb. 12, 1809, Shrewsbury, Shropshire,...
dating summary
dating, In geology and archaeology, the process of determining...
deer summary
deer, Any of the ruminants in the family Cervidae, which have...
dinosaur summary
dinosaur, Any of the extinct reptiles that were the dominant...
dipteran summary
dipteran , Any member of the more than 120,000 species in the...
dog summary
dog, Domesticated mammal (Canis lupus familiaris) of the family...
domestic cat summary
domestic cat, or house cat , Domesticated carnivore (Felis catus)...
ear summary
ear, Organ of hearing and balance.
earthquake summary
earthquake, Sudden shaking of the ground caused by a disturbance...
echidna summary
echidna , or spiny anteater , any of three species of egg-laying...
echinoderm summary
echinoderm , Any of various marine invertebrates (phylum Echinodermata)...
eclipse summary
eclipse, The passage of all or part of one celestial body into...
eel summary
eel, Any of more than 800 fish species (order Anguilliformes)...
Albert Einstein summary
Albert Einstein, (born March 14, 1879, Ulm, Württemberg, Ger.—died...
electricity summary
electricity, Phenomenon associated with stationary or moving...
electromagnetic radiation summary
electromagnetic radiation, Energy propagated through free space...
electromagnetism summary
electromagnetism, Branch of physics that deals with the relationship...
elephant summary
elephant, Any of three ungulate species in the order Proboscidea...
mayfly summary
mayfly, Any insect of the order Ephemeroptera, found around...
Europe summary
Europe, Second smallest continent on Earth.
evolution summary
evolution, Biological theory that animals and plants have their...
eye summary
eye, Organ that receives light and visual images.
fish summary
fish, Any of more than 30,000 species of predominantly cold-blooded...
flatworm summary
flatworm, or platyhelminth , Any of a phylum (Platyhelminthes)...
flea summary
flea, Any member of 2,000 species and subspecies of small, wingless,...
fluid mechanics summary
fluid mechanics, Study of the effects of forces and energy on...
fox summary
fox, Any of various canines resembling small to medium-sized,...
fungus summary
fungus, Any of about 80,000 known species of organisms belonging...
galaxy summary
galaxy, Any of the billions of systems of stars and interstellar...
game theory summary
game theory, Branch of applied mathematics devised to analyze...
gas summary
gas, One of the three fundamental states of matter, in which...
gastropod summary
gastropod, Any member of the class Gastropoda, the largest group...
geochronology summary
geochronology, Dating and interpretation of geologic events...
geography summary
geography, Science of the Earth’s surface, which describes and...
geology summary
geology, Scientific study of the Earth, including its composition,...
geomagnetic field summary
geomagnetic field, Magnetic field associated with the Earth.
giraffe summary
giraffe, any of four species of ruminants classified in the...
glacier summary
glacier, Large mass of perennial ice that forms on land through...
global warming summary
global warming, Increase in the global average surface temperature...
gravity summary
gravity, Universal force of attraction that acts between all...
grebe summary
grebe, Any of about 20 species of diving birds (family Podicipedidae)...
harp seal summary
harp seal, Migratory earless seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus,...
heredity summary
heredity, Transmission of traits from parents to offspring through...
honeybee summary
honeybee, Broadly, any bee that makes honey (any insect of the...
hormone summary
hormone, Organic compound (often a steroid or peptide) that...
horse summary
horse, Equine species (Equus caballus) long used by humans as...
human evolution summary
human evolution, Evolution of modern human beings from now-extinct...
Human Genome Project summary
Human Genome Project, U.S.
hydrosphere summary
hydrosphere, Discontinuous layer of water at or near Earth’s...
igneous rock summary
igneous rock, Any of various crystalline or glassy noncrystalline...
immune system summary
immune system, Cells, cell products, organs, and structures...
infection summary
infection, Invasion of the body by any of various agents—including...
insect summary
insect, Any member of the class Insecta, the largest arthropod...
insectivore summary
insectivore , Any member of the mammalian order (Insectivora)...
Johannes Kepler summary
Johannes Kepler, (born Dec. 27, 1571, Weil der Stadt, Württemberg—died...
killer whale summary
killer whale, or orca , A species (Orcinus orca) of toothed...
lake summary
lake, Relatively large body of slow-moving or standing water...
lepidopteran summary
lepidopteran , Any of the more than 155,000 species of butterflies,...
light summary
light, That portion of the electromagnetic spectrum visible...
lion summary
lion, Large, powerfully built cat (Panthera leo), the proverbial...
lipid summary
lipid , Any of a diverse group of organic compounds that are...
liquid summary
liquid, One of the three principal states of matter, intermediate...
lizard summary
lizard, Any of about 5,500 species of reptiles constituting...
locomotion summary
locomotion, Any of various animal movements that result in progression...
louse summary
louse, Any of some 3,300 species of small, wingless, parasitic...
lynx summary
lynx, Any of three species of short-tailed forest cat (genus...
mammal summary
mammal, Any member of the class (Mammalia) of warm-blooded vertebrates...
manatee summary
manatee, Any of three species (family Trichechidae) of slow-moving,...
mechanics summary
mechanics, Science of the action of forces on material bodies.
mental disorder summary
mental disorder, Any illness with a psychological origin, manifested...
metabolism summary
metabolism , Sum of all the chemical reactions that take place...
metallurgy summary
metallurgy , Art and science of extracting metals from their...
metamorphic rock summary
metamorphic rock, Any of a class of rocks that result from the...
Milky Way Galaxy summary
Milky Way Galaxy, Large spiral galaxy (roughly 150,000 light-years...
mineral summary
mineral, Any naturally occurring homogeneous solid that has...
mole summary
mole, Any burrowing, often blind insectivore in the family Talpidae...
mollusk summary
mollusk, or mollusc , Any of some 75,000 species of soft-bodied...
monkey summary
monkey, Any member of two tropical anthropoid primate groups:...
bryozoan summary
bryozoan , Aquatic invertebrate of the phylum Bryozoa (“moss...
mouse summary
mouse, Any of many species (family Muridae) of small, scampering...
muscle summary
muscle, Contractile tissue that produces motion for functions,...
nervous system summary
nervous system, System of specialized cells (neurons, or nerve...
Sir Isaac Newton summary
Sir Isaac Newton, (born Jan. 4, 1643, Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire,...
noble gas summary
noble gas, or inert gas , Any of the seven chemical elements...
North America summary
North America, Continent, Western Hemisphere.
optics summary
optics, Science concerned with the production and propagation...
orangutan summary
orangutan , or orang , Genus (Pongo, family Hominidae) of arboreal...
otter summary
otter, Any of 13 species of semiaquatic, web-footed carnivores...
photoreception summary
photoreception, Biological responses to stimulation by light,...
pika summary
pika , Any of numerous round-eared, tailless members (genus...
plant summary
plant, Any organism in the kingdom Plantae.
plate tectonics summary
plate tectonics, Theory that the Earth’s lithosphere (the crust...
platypus summary
platypus, or duckbill , Monotreme amphibious mammal (Ornithorhynchus...
poison summary
poison, Any substance (natural or synthetic) that, at a certain...
Precambrian time summary
Precambrian time, Interval of geologic time from c. 4.6 billion...
pregnancy summary
pregnancy, Process of human gestation that takes place in the...
probability theory summary
probability theory, Branch of mathematics that deals with analysis...
protein summary
protein, Any of numerous organic compounds, complex polymers...
protozoan summary
protozoan , Any of a group of small (usually microscopic) single-celled...
quantum mechanics summary
quantum mechanics, Branch of mathematical physics that deals...
rabbit summary
rabbit, Any small, bounding, gnawing mammal of the family Leporidae.
radiation summary
radiation, Process by which energy is emitted from a source...
radioactivity summary
radioactivity, Property exhibited by certain types of matter...
rare earth metal summary
rare earth metal, Any of a large class of chemical elements...
rat summary
rat, Any of more than 500 forms of Asian rodent (genus Rattus,...
reproductive behaviour summary
reproductive behaviour, In animals, any activity directed toward...
reptile summary
reptile, Any of the approximately 8,700 species of the class...
rodent summary
rodent, Any member of the order Rodentia, which contains 50%...
scorpion summary
scorpion, Any of some 1,300 nocturnal arachnid species (order...
seal summary
seal, Aquatic carnivore with webbed flippers and a streamlined...
seawater summary
seawater, Water that makes up the oceans and seas.
sedimentary rock summary
sedimentary rock, Rock formed at or near the Earth’s surface...
sex summary
sex, Sum of features by which a member of a plant or animal...
human sexuality summary
human sexuality, Tendencies and behaviour of human beings with...
shark summary
shark, Any of more than 300 species of predatory cartilaginous...
shrew summary
shrew, Any of more than 350 species of small insectivores constituting...
skeleton summary
skeleton, Bony framework of the body.
skunk summary
skunk, Any of several black-and-white New World species in the...
sleep summary
sleep, Natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which...
sloth summary
sloth, Nocturnal, solitary, tree-dwelling mammal (family Bradypodidae),...
snake summary
snake, Any member of about 19 reptile families (suborder Serpentes,...
soil summary
soil, The biologically active, porous medium that has developed...
sound summary
sound, Mechanical disturbance that propagates as a longitudinal...
South America summary
South America, Continent, Western Hemisphere.
space exploration summary
space exploration, Investigation of the universe beyond Earth’s...
spectroscopy summary
spectroscopy , Study of the absorption and emission of light...
spider summary
spider, Any of approximately 42,700 predatory arachnid species,...
sponge summary
sponge, Any of some 5,000 species (phylum Porifera) of permanently...
squirrel summary
squirrel, Any of about 260 species in 50 genera (family Sciuridae)...
star summary
star, Any massive celestial body of gas that shines by radiant...
statistics summary
statistics, Branch of mathematics dealing with gathering, analyzing,...
subatomic particle summary
subatomic particle, or elementary particle , Any of various...
termite summary
termite, Any of 2,750 species (order Isoptera) of mostly tropical,...
thermodynamics summary
thermodynamics, Study of the relationships among heat, work,...
thrips summary
thrips, Any of some 5,000 species (order Thysanoptera) of tiny...
tiger summary
tiger, Reddish tan, striped great cat (Panthera tigris) of forests,...
time summary
time, Measured or measurable period.
tuatara summary
tuatara , Either of two species (Sphenodon punctatus and S.
tunicate summary
tunicate , Any of some 2,000 species (chordate subphylum Tunicata,...
turtle summary
turtle, Any of approximately 300 species (order Testudines)...
tyrannosaur summary
tyrannosaur, Any of a group of related predatory dinosaurs with...
vertebrate summary
vertebrate, Any animal of the chordate subphylum Vertebrata,...
volcano summary
volcano, Vent in the crust of the Earth from which molten rock,...
vulture summary
vulture, A bare-headed, keen-sighted bird of prey in any of...
great white shark summary
great white shark, or white shark , Large, aggressive shark...
wolf summary
wolf, Any of three extant species of canine.
aphid summary
aphid , Any of several species of sapsucking, soft-bodied insects...
philosophy of biology summary
philosophy of biology, Philosophical investigation of the concepts,...
nurse shark summary
nurse shark, Only Atlantic species (Ginglymostoma cirratum)...
bonding summary
bonding, Any of the interactions that account for the association...
Hilary Putnam summary
Hilary Putnam, (born July 31, 1926, Chicago, Ill., U.S.), U.S.
gorilla summary
gorilla, Largest of the great apes.
Haiti earthquake of 2010 summary
Haiti earthquake of 2010, Earthquake that occurred in Haiti...
human eye summary
human eye, Sense organ that receives visual images and transmits...
Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011 summary
Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011, Natural disaster that...
urinary system summary
urinary system, or renal system , System that produces and discharges...
Understanding Newton’s Laws of Motion
Learn more about Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion, what they...
Marie Curie Timeline
Timeline of events in the life of Marie Curie. The Polish-born...
Marie Curie’s Achievements
Descriptive list of some of the most significant achievements...
Isaac Newton Timeline
Timeline of important events in the life of English physicist...
Isaac Newton’s Achievements
Summary of key achievements by English physicist and mathematician...
Galileo Timeline
Timeline of important events in the life of Galileo whose discoveries...
Galileo’s Achievements
Summary of major achievements by Italian natural philosopher,...
Leonardo da Vinci Timeline
A timeline of significant events in the life of Leonardo da Vinci....
Leonardo da Vinci’s Achievements
A descriptive list of some of the major achievements of Leonardo...
Theodore Roosevelt Timeline
A timeline of significant events in the life of Theodore Roosevelt,...
Theodore Roosevelt’s Achievements
Summary of the major achievements of Theodore Roosevelt who,...
antimony summary
antimony , Semimetallic to metallic chemical element (see metal),...
archaeopteryx summary
archaeopteryx , Oldest known fossil animal that is generally...
Archean Eon summary
Archean Eon, or Archaean Eon or Archeozoic Eon , Older of the...
Aristarchus of Samos summary
Aristarchus of Samos, (born c. 310 bc—died c. 230 bc), Greek...
Svante Arrhenius summary
Svante Arrhenius, (born Feb. 19, 1859, Vik, Swed.—died Oct....
asthma summary
asthma , Chronic disease with attacks of shortness of breath,...
astronomical unit summary
astronomical unit (AU), unit of length effectively equal to...
Australopithecus summary
Australopithecus , (Latin: “southern ape”) Genus of extinct...
bacteriophage summary
bacteriophage , or phage , Any of a group of usually complex...
Karl Ernst, knight von Baer summary
Karl Ernst, knight von Baer, (born Feb. 29, 1792, Piep, Est.,...
baldness summary
baldness, or alopecia , Lack or loss of hair, either permanent...
barium summary
barium , Chemical element, one of the alkaline earth metals,...
Henri Becquerel summary
Henri Becquerel, (born Dec. 15, 1852, Paris, France—died Aug....
Henri Bergson summary
Henri Bergson, (born Oct. 18, 1859, Paris, France—died Jan....
Claude Bernard summary
Claude Bernard, (born July 12, 1813, Saint-Julien, France—died...
Marcellin Berthelot summary
Marcellin Berthelot, (born Oct. 27, 1827, Paris, France—died...
beryllium summary
beryllium , Chemical element, lightest of the alkaline earth...
Jöns Jacob, Baron Berzelius summary
Jöns Jacob, Baron Berzelius, (born Aug. 20, 1779, near Linköping,...
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel summary
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, (born July 22, 1784, Minden, Brandenburg—died...
Hans Bethe summary
Hans Bethe, (born July 2, 1906, Strassburg, Ger.—died March...
bioluminescence summary
bioluminescence , Emission of light by an organism or biochemical...
al-Bīrūnī summary
al-Bīrūnī, (born September 973, Khwārezm, Khorāsān—died Dec....
bismuth summary
bismuth , Semimetallic to metallic chemical element, chemical...
bison summary
bison , Either species (genus Bison) of oxlike bovid with a...
Niels Bohr summary
Niels Bohr, (born Oct. 7, 1885, Copenhagen, Den.—died Nov. 18,...
bonobo summary
bonobo , Species (Pan paniscus) of great ape.
taiga summary
taiga , or boreal forest , Open coniferous forest (see conifer)...
Tycho Brahe summary
Tycho Brahe, (born Dec. 14, 1546, Knudstrup, Scania, Den.—died...
Wernher von Braun summary
Wernher von Braun, (born , March 23, 1912, Wirsitz, Ger.—died...
Louis-Victor, duke de Broglie summary
Louis-Victor, duke de Broglie, (born Aug. 15, 1892, Dieppe,...
bromine summary
bromine , Nonmetallic chemical element, chemical symbol Br,...
cacao summary
cacao , Tropical New World tree (Theobroma cacao) of the mallow...
calcite summary
calcite , Most common form of natural calcium carbonate (CaCO3),...
Georg Cantor summary
Georg Cantor, (born March 3, 1845, St.
capacitance summary
capacitance , Property of a pair of electric conductors separated...
carboxylic acid summary
carboxylic acid, Any organic compound with the general chemical...
Sadi Carnot summary
Sadi Carnot, (born June 1, 1796, Paris, France—died Aug. 24,...
carpal tunnel syndrome summary
carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), Painful condition caused by...
catalysis summary
catalysis , Modification (usually acceleration) of a chemical...
catecholamine summary
catecholamine , Any naturally occurring amine functioning as...
Augustin-Louis, Baron Cauchy summary
Augustin-Louis, Baron Cauchy, (born Aug. 21, 1789, Paris, France—died...
Henry Cavendish summary
Henry Cavendish, (born Oct. 10, 1731, Nice, France—died Feb....
celiac disease summary
celiac disease, or nontropical sprue , Digestive disorder in...
Cenozoic Era summary
Cenozoic Era, Third of the major eras of Earth history, and...
cerium summary
cerium , Chemical element, a rare earth metal of the lanthanoid...
cesium summary
cesium , Chemical element, one of the alkali metals, chemical...
chickenpox summary
chickenpox, or varicella , Contagious viral disease producing...
cholera summary
cholera , Acute bacterial infection with Vibrio cholerae, causing...
chromatography summary
chromatography , Method first described in 1901 by Mikhail S.
circadian rhythm summary
circadian rhythm , Inherent cycle of approximately 24 hours...
colloid summary
colloid , Substance consisting of particles that, although too...
conodont summary
conodont , Minute toothlike fossil composed of the mineral apatite...
Nicolaus Copernicus summary
Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish Mikołaj Kopernik , (born Feb. 19,...
coyote summary
coyote , Species (Canis latrans) of canine found in North and...
Cretaceous Period summary
Cretaceous Period, Interval of geologic time from c. 145 million...
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease summary
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, or CJD , Rare fatal disease of the...
cryogenics summary
cryogenics , Study and use of low-temperature phenomena.
ctenophore summary
ctenophore , or comb jelly , Any of nearly 90 species (phylum...
Georges, Baron Cuvier summary
Georges, Baron Cuvier, (born Aug. 23, 1769, Montbéliard [now...
cystic fibrosis summary
cystic fibrosis (CF), or mucoviscidosis , Inherited metabolic...
Democritus summary
Democritus , (born c. 460—died c. 370 bc), Greek philosopher.
dengue summary
dengue , or breakbone fever or dandy fever , Infectious, disabling...
dermatitis summary
dermatitis, or eczema , Inflammation of the skin, usually itchy,...
Devonian Period summary
Devonian Period, Interval of geologic time, 419.2–358.9 million...
diabetes insipidus summary
diabetes insipidus , Endocrine disorder causing extreme thirst...
diabetes mellitus summary
diabetes mellitus , Disorder of insufficient production of or...
dioxin summary
dioxin , Aromatic compound, any of a group of contaminants produced...
diphtheria summary
diphtheria , Acute infectious bacterial disease caused by Corynebacterium...
P.A.M. Dirac summary
Theodosius Dobzhansky summary
Theodosius Dobzhansky, orig.
Down syndrome summary
Down syndrome, or trisomy 21 , Congenital disorder caused by...
duiker summary
duiker , Any of 19 species of small, shy antelope.
ectopic pregnancy summary
ectopic pregnancy , or extrauterine pregnancy , Condition in...
eland summary
eland , Either of two species of easily tamed, oxlike antelope...
encephalitis summary
encephalitis , Inflammation of the brain, most often due to...
human endocrine system summary
human endocrine system, Group of ductless glands that secrete...
endoplasmic reticulum summary
endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Membrane system within the cytoplasm...
entropy summary
entropy , Measure of a system’s energy that is unavailable for...
epidemiology summary
epidemiology , Study of disease distribution in populations.
epinephrine summary
epinephrine , or adrenaline , One of two hormones (the other...
Paul Erdős summary
Paul Erdős, (born March 26, 1913, Budapest, Hung.—died Sept....
estrogen summary
estrogen , Any of a class of hormones that primarily influence...
ether summary
ether , Any of a class of organic compounds whose molecular...
Euclid summary
Euclid , (flourished c. 300 bc, Alexandria, Egypt), Greek mathematician...
eugenics summary
eugenics , Study of human improvement by genetic means.
Leonhard Euler summary
Leonhard Euler, (born April 15, 1707, Basel, Switz.—died Sept....
feldspathoid summary
feldspathoid , Any of a group of alkali aluminosilicate minerals...
Pierre de Fermat summary
Pierre de Fermat, (born Aug. 17, 1601, Beaumont-de-Lomagne,...
Richard P. Feynman summary
Richard P.
fluorine summary
fluorine , Nonmetallic chemical element, chemical symbol F,...
foot-and-mouth disease summary
foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), or hoof-and-mouth disease , Highly...
Joseph, Baron Fourier summary
Joseph, Baron Fourier, (born March 21, 1768, Auxerre, France—died...
Gottlob Frege summary
Gottlob Frege, (born Nov. 8, 1848, Wismar, Mecklenburg-Schwerin—died...
Galen summary
Galen , Latin Galenus , (born ad 129, Pergamum, Mysia, Anatolia—died...
Galileo (Galilei) summary
Galileo (Galilei), (born Feb. 15, 1564, Pisa—died Jan. 8, 1642,...
Luigi Galvani summary
Luigi Galvani, (born Sept. 9, 1737, Bologna, Papal States—died...
Carl Friedrich Gauss summary
Carl Friedrich Gauss, orig.
Joseph Gay-Lussac summary
Joseph Gay-Lussac, (born Dec. 6, 1778, Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat,...
gerbil summary
gerbil , Any of almost 100 species (subfamily Gerbillinae) of...
gibbon summary
gibbon , Any of about six species (genus Hylobates) of lesser...
Kurt Gödel summary
Kurt Gödel, (born April 28, 1906, Brünn, Austria-Hungary—died...
gonorrhea summary
gonorrhea , Sexually transmitted disease. It is characterized...
growth hormone summary
growth hormone (GH), or somatotropin , Peptide hormone secreted...
Fritz Haber summary
Fritz Haber, (born Dec. 9, 1868, Breslau, Silesia, Prussia—died...
Ernst Haeckel summary
Ernst Haeckel, (born Feb. 16, 1834, Potsdam, Prussia—died Aug....
Richard Hakluyt summary
Richard Hakluyt, (born c. 1552, London, Eng.?—died Nov. 23,...
Edmond Halley summary
Edmond Halley, (born Nov. 8, 1656, Haggerston, Shoreditch, near...
halogen summary
halogen , Any of six nonmetallic elements—fluorine, chlorine,...
Werner Heisenberg summary
Werner Heisenberg, (born Dec. 5, 1901, Würzburg, Ger.—died Feb....
Hermann von Helmholtz summary
Hermann von Helmholtz, (born Aug. 31, 1821, Potsdam, Prussia—died...
herpes simplex summary
herpes simplex, Infection caused by herpes simplex virus.
heterocyclic compound summary
heterocyclic compound, Any of a class of organic compounds whose...
Hipparchus summary
Hipparchus, or Hipparchos , (born , Nicaea, Bithynia—died after...
histamine summary
histamine , Organic compound found in nearly all animal tissues,...
Jacobus H. van’t Hoff summary
Jacobus H.
Holocene Epoch summary
Holocene Epoch, formerly Recent Epoch , Latest interval of the...
holography summary
holography , Method of recording or reproducing a three-dimensional...
homeostasis summary
homeostasis , Any self-regulating process by which a biological...
Homo habilis summary
Homo habilis , (Latin: “handy man”) Extinct species of early...
Hubble Space Telescope summary
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Most sophisticated optical observatory...
Huitzilopochtli summary
Huitzilopochtli , Aztec sun and war god.
Christiaan Huygens summary
Christiaan Huygens, or Christian Huyghens , (born April 14,...
hydride summary
hydride , Any of a class of compounds in which hydrogen is combined...
water cycle summary
water cycle, or hydrologic cycle , Cycle that involves the continuous...
hypochondriasis summary
hypochondriasis , Mental disorder in which an individual is...
hypothalamus summary
hypothalamus , Region of the brain containing a control centre...
hypoxia summary
hypoxia , Condition in which tissues are starved of oxygen.
in vitro fertilization (IVF) summary
in vitro fertilization (IVF) , or test-tube conception , Procedure,...
infrared astronomy summary
infrared astronomy, Study of astronomical objects by observing...
integument summary
integument , Covering of the body, which protects it from the...
isomerism summary
isomerism , Existence of sets of two or more substances with...
isoprenoid summary
isoprenoid , or terpene , Class of organic compounds made up...
isostasy summary
isostasy , Theory describing the mass balance in the Earth’s...
isotope summary
isotope , One of two or more species of atoms of a chemical...
Theodore von Kármán summary
Theodore von Kármán, (born , May 11, 1881, Budapest—died May...
August Kekule von Stradonitz summary
August Kekule von Stradonitz, orig. (Friedrich) August Kekule...
keratitis summary
keratitis , Inflammation of the cornea (see eye).
ketone summary
ketone , Any of a class of organic compounds containing a carbonyl...
Kilauea summary
Kilauea , Crater, eastern side of Mauna Loa, Hawaii Volcanoes...
Robert Koch summary
Robert Koch, (born Dec. 11, 1843, Clausthal, Hannover—died May...
Krakatoa summary
Krakatoa , or Krakatau , Island volcano in the centre of the...
krypton summary
krypton , Chemical element, chemical symbol Kr, atomic number...
Kuiper belt summary
Kuiper belt, or Edgeworth-Kuiper belt , Disk-shaped belt of...
Joseph-Louis Lagrange summary
Joseph-Louis Lagrange, later count de L’Empire , (born Jan....
Jean-Baptiste de Monet, knight de Lamarck summary
Jean-Baptiste de Monet, knight de Lamarck, (born Aug. 1, 1744,...
Lev Landau summary
Lev Landau, (born Jan. 22, 1908, Baku, Azerbaijan, Russian Empire—died...
Irving Langmuir summary
Irving Langmuir, (born Jan. 31, 1881, Brooklyn, N.Y., N.Y.,...
Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace summary
Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace, (born March 23, 1749, Beaumount-en-Auge,...
Antoine Lavoisier summary
Antoine Lavoisier, (born Aug. 26, 1743, Paris, France—died May...
Henry-Louis Le Châtelier summary
Henry-Louis Le Châtelier, (born Oct. 8, 1850, Paris, France—died...
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek summary
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, (born Oct. 24, 1632, Delft, Neth.—died...
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Freiherr von Leibniz summary
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Freiherr von Leibniz, (born July...
Stanisław Leśniewski summary
Stanisław Leśniewski, or Stanisław Leshniewski , (born March...
leukocyte summary
leukocyte , or white blood cell or white corpuscle , Any of...
Justus, Freiherr von Liebig summary
Justus, Freiherr von Liebig, (born May 12, 1803, Darmstadt,...
Carolus Linnaeus summary
Carolus Linnaeus, Swedish Carl von Linné , (born May 23, 1707,...
llama summary
llama , Domesticated South American lamoid (see alpaca), maintained...
Nikolay Lobachevsky summary
Nikolay Lobachevsky, (born , Dec. 1, 1792, Nizhny Novgorod,...
loess summary
loess , Unstratified, geologically recent deposit of silty or...
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov summary
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, (born Nov. 19, 1711, near Kholmogory,...
Konrad Lorenz summary
Konrad Lorenz, (born Nov. 7, 1903, Vienna, Austria—died Feb....
Sir Bernard Lovell summary
Sir Bernard Lovell, (born Aug. 31, 1913, Oldland Common, Gloucestershire,...
lupus erythematosus summary
lupus erythematosus , Either of two inflammatory autoimmune...
Sir Charles Lyell summary
Sir Charles Lyell, (born Nov. 14, 1797, Kinnordy, Forfarshire,...
macaque summary
macaque , Any of about 12 primarily Asian species of omnivorous,...
Ferdinand Magellan summary
Ferdinand Magellan, Portuguese Fernão de Magalhães Spanish Fernando...
magnetic resonance imaging summary
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Computer production of images...
Marcello Malpighi summary
Marcello Malpighi, (born March 10, 1628, Crevalcore, near Bologna,...
mammary gland summary
mammary gland , Milk-producing gland of female mammals, usually...
manganese summary
manganese , Metallic chemical element, one of the transition...
maser summary
maser , Device that produces and amplifies electromagnetic radiation...
measles summary
measles, or rubeola , Highly contagious viral childhood disease.
mechanoreception summary
mechanoreception , Ability to detect and respond to mechanical...
melanoma summary
melanoma , Dark-coloured malignant tumour of skin cells that...
Gregor Mendel summary
Gregor Mendel, (born July 22, 1822, Heinzendorf, Austria—died...
meningitis summary
meningitis , Inflammation of the meninges.
Mesozoic Era summary
Mesozoic Era, Second of the Earth’s three major geologic eras...
mica summary
mica , Any of a group of hydrous potassium, aluminum silicate...
Miocene Epoch summary
Miocene Epoch, Major division of the Neogene Period, from 23...
molybdenum summary
molybdenum , Metallic chemical element, one of the transition...
monotreme summary
monotreme , Any of three living species of egg-laying mammals...
morphology summary
morphology , In biology, the study of the size, shape, and structure...
John Muir summary
John Muir, (born April 21, 1838, Dunbar, East Lothian, Scot.—died...
Hermann Joseph Muller summary
Hermann Joseph Muller, (born Dec. 21, 1890, New York, N.Y.,...
Johannes Peter Müller summary
Johannes Peter Müller, (born July 14, 1801, Koblenz, France—died...
multiple sclerosis summary
multiple sclerosis , Disease of the brain and spinal cord in...
myotonia summary
myotonia , Disorder causing difficulty relaxing contracted voluntary...
Fridtjof Nansen summary
Fridtjof Nansen, (born Oct. 10, 1861, Store-Frøen, near Kristiania,...
John Napier summary
John Napier, (born 1550, Merchiston Castle, near Edinburgh,...
narcissism summary
narcissism , Mental disorder characterized by extreme self-absorption,...
Neanderthal summary
Neanderthal , Species of the human genus (Homo) that inhabited...
nebula summary
nebula , Any of various tenuous clouds of gas and dust in interstellar...
neutrino summary
neutrino , Fundamental particle with no electric charge, little...
Alfred Nobel summary
Alfred Nobel, (born Oct. 21, 1833, Stockholm, Swed.—died Dec....
nucleic acid summary
nucleic acid, Any of the naturally occurring chemical compounds...
nyala summary
nyala , Slender antelope (Tragelaphus angasii) of South Africa...
Oligocene Epoch summary
Oligocene Epoch, Major division of the Paleogene Period, from...
olivine summary
olivine , Any member of a group of common magnesium, iron silicate...
Omar Khayyam summary
Omar Khayyam , byname of Ghiyāth al-Dīn Abū al-Fatḥ ʿUmar ibn...
Ordovician Period summary
Ordovician Period, Interval of geologic time, 485.4–443.4 million...
osteoporosis summary
osteoporosis , Generalized loss of bone density, causing skeletal...
Wilhelm Ostwald summary
Wilhelm Ostwald, (born Sept. 2, 1853, Riga, Latvia—died April...
ovary summary
ovary , In zoology, the female reproductive organ (see reproductive...
Paleozoic Era summary
Paleozoic Era, or Palaeozoic Era , Major interval of geologic...
pancreas summary
pancreas , Compound gland functioning as both an exocrine (secreting...
Pangea summary
Pangea , or Pangaea , Hypothetical protocontinent proposed by...
pangolin summary
pangolin , or scaly anteater , Any of about eight species of...
parallax summary
parallax , Difference in the direction of a celestial object...
parasitism summary
parasitism , Relationship between two species in which one benefits...
Blaise Pascal summary
Blaise Pascal, (born June 19, 1623, Clermont-Ferrand, France—died...
Louis Pasteur summary
Louis Pasteur, (born Dec. 27, 1822, Dole, France—died Sept....
Ivan Pavlov summary
Ivan Pavlov, (born Sept. 26, 1849, Ryazan, Russia—died Feb....
phenol summary
phenol , Any of a class of organic compounds with a hydroxyl...
photometry summary
photometry , Precision measurement of the brightness, colour,...
phylogeny summary
phylogeny , History of the evolution of a species or group,...
physiology summary
physiology , Study of the functioning of living organisms or...
Auguste Piccard summary
Auguste Piccard, (born Jan. 28, 1884, Basel, Switz.—died March...
pineal gland summary
pineal gland, or pineal body , Endocrine gland in the brain...
pinniped summary
pinniped , Any member of the three existing families of aquatic,...
pituitary gland summary
pituitary gland, or hypophysis , Endocrine gland lying on the...
plague summary
plague , Infectious fever caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis,...
Max Planck summary
Max Planck, (born April 23, 1858, Kiel, Schleswig—died Oct....
plasma summary
plasma , Liquid part of blood (including dissolved chemicals...
Pleistocene Epoch summary
Pleistocene Epoch, Earlier and longer of the two epochs that...
pneumonia summary
pneumonia , Inflammation and solidification of lung tissue caused...
Henri Poincaré summary
Henri Poincaré, (born April 29, 1854, Nancy, France—died July...
poliomyelitis summary
poliomyelitis , or polio or infantile paralysis , Acute infectious...
polyethylene summary
polyethylene (PE), Any of the polymers of ethylene, the largest...
polymer summary
polymer , Any of a class of natural or synthetic substances...
post-traumatic stress disorder summary
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Psychological reaction...
preeclampsia and eclampsia summary
preeclampsia and eclampsia, Hypertensive conditions unique to...
prostaglandin summary
prostaglandin , Any of a class of organic compounds that occur...
Proterozoic Eon summary
Proterozoic Eon, Younger of the two divisions of Precambrian...
protist summary
protist , Any member of a kingdom (Protista) of diverse eukaryotes,...
psoriasis summary
psoriasis , Chronic, recurrent skin disorder with reddish, slightly...
psychosis summary
psychosis , Any of several serious mental illnesses characterized...
pterosaur summary
pterosaur , Any of several extinct flying reptiles (order Pterosauria)...
Ptolemy summary
Ptolemy , Latin Claudius Ptolemaeus , (born c.
cougar summary
cougar, or puma or mountain lion or panther , Species (Puma...
pyroxene summary
pyroxene , A group of important rock-forming silicate minerals...
Pythagorean theorem summary
Pythagorean theorem, Rule relating the lengths of the sides...
quantum chromodynamics summary
quantum chromodynamics (QCD), Theory that describes the action...
quantum electrodynamics summary
quantum electrodynamics (QED), Quantum theory of the interactions...
quasar summary
quasar , in full quasi-stellar radio source , Any of a class...
Quaternary Period summary
Quaternary Period, Interval of geologic time, approximately...
rabies summary
rabies , Acute, usually fatal infectious disease of warm-blooded...
radon summary
radon , Chemical element, chemical symbol Rn, atomic number...
John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh summary
John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, (born Nov. 12, 1842,...
rheumatoid arthritis summary
rheumatoid arthritis, Chronic, progressive autoimmune disease...
Richter scale summary
Richter scale , Widely used measure of the magnitude of an earthquake,...
Bernhard Riemann summary
Bernhard Riemann, (born Sept. 17, 1826, Breselenz, Hanover—died...
RNA summary
RNA, in full ribonucleic acid , One of the two main types of...
Carl Sagan summary
Carl Sagan, (born Nov. 9, 1934, Brooklyn, N.Y., N.Y., U.S.—died...
Andrey Sakharov summary
Andrey Sakharov, (born May 21, 1921, Moscow, Russia—died Dec....
Paolo Sarpi summary
Paolo Sarpi, (born Aug. 14, 1552, Venice—died Jan. 14, 1623,...
saturniid moth summary
saturniid moth, or giant silkworm moth , Any of some 800 moth...
schizophrenia summary
schizophrenia , Any of a group of severe mental disorders that...
Erwin Schrödinger summary
Erwin Schrödinger, (born Aug. 12, 1887, Vienna, Austria—died...
Glenn Seaborg summary
Glenn Seaborg, (born April 19, 1912, Ishpeming, Mich., U.S.—died...
sedimentary facies summary
sedimentary facies , Different, but contemporaneous and juxtaposed,...
selenium summary
selenium , Semimetallic chemical element, chemical symbol Se,...
Serengeti National Park summary
Serengeti National Park, Wildlife refuge, north-central Tanzania.
sexually transmitted disease summary
sexually transmitted disease (STD), Disease transmitted primarily...
silica mineral summary
silica mineral , Any of the forms of silicon dioxide (SiO2),...
Silurian Period summary
Silurian Period, Interval of geologic time, 443.4–419.2 million...
smallpox summary
smallpox, or variola , One of the world’s most dreaded plagues...
speciation summary
speciation , Formation of new and distinct species, whereby...
species summary
species , Subdivision of biological classification composed...
sperm summary
sperm, or spermatozoon , Male reproductive cell.
sperm whale summary
sperm whale, or cachalot , Thickset, blunt-snouted toothed whale...
Charles Proteus Steinmetz summary
Charles Proteus Steinmetz, orig.
Strabo summary
Strabo , (born c. 64 bc, Amaseia, Pontus, Asia Minor—died after...
strontium summary
strontium , Chemical element, one of the alkaline earth metals,...
meerkat summary
meerkat, or suricate , Colonial species (Suricata suricatta)...
syphilis summary
syphilis , Sexually transmitted disease caused by the spirochete...
tarsier summary
tarsier , Any of three species (genus Tarsius, family Tarsiidae)...
taxonomy summary
taxonomy , In biology, the classification of organisms into...
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin summary
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, (born May 1, 1881, Sarcenat, France—died...
Tertiary Period summary
Tertiary Period, Informal division of geologic time spanning...
tetanus summary
tetanus , or lockjaw , Acute bacterial disease caused by Clostridium...
Thales of Miletus summary
Thales of Miletus , (flourished 6th century bc), Greek philosopher.
thymus summary
thymus , Pyramid-shaped lymphoid organ (see lymphoid tissue)...
Titan summary
Titan , Largest moon of Saturn.
titanium summary
titanium , Metallic chemical element, one of the transition...
titration summary
titration , Process of chemical analysis in which the quantity...
topology summary
topology , In mathematics, the study of the properties of a...
toucan summary
toucan , Any of about 35 species (family Ramphastidae) of large-billed,...
Triassic Period summary
Triassic Period, Interval of geologic time, c. 252.2–201.3 million...
tribology summary
tribology , Study of the interactions of sliding surfaces.
Triceratops summary
Triceratops , Genus of large, plant-eating ornithischian dinosaurs...
Triton summary
Triton , Largest of Neptune’s moons.
tsetse fly summary
tsetse fly , Any of about 21 species (genus Glossina, family...
tsunami summary
tsunami , or seismic sea wave or tidal wave , Catastrophic ocean...
tuberculosis summary
tuberculosis (TB), formerly consumption , Bacterial disease...
tungsten summary
tungsten, or wolfram , Metallic chemical element, one of the...
Alan Turing summary
Alan Turing, (born June 23, 1912, London, Eng.—died June 7,...
unidentified flying object summary
unidentified flying object (UFO), Aerial object or optical phenomenon...
Harold C. Urey summary
Harold C.
uveitis summary
uveitis , Inflammation of the uvea, the middle coat of the eyeball.
vanadium summary
vanadium , Metallic chemical element, one of the transition...
vertebral column summary
vertebral column, or spinal column or spine or backbone , Flexible...
Andreas Vesalius summary
Andreas Vesalius, Flemish Andries van Wesel , (born Dec. 1514,...
John von Neumann summary
John von Neumann, orig.
Chaim Weizmann summary
Chaim Weizmann, (born Nov. 27, 1874, Motol, Pol., Russian Empire—died...
Norbert Wiener summary
Norbert Wiener, (born Nov. 26, 1894, Columbia, Mo., U.S.—died...
xenon summary
xenon , Chemical element, chemical symbol Xe, atomic number...
Karl Ziegler summary
Karl Ziegler, (born Nov. 26, 1898, Helsa, near Kassel, Ger.—died...
baobab summary
baobab , Tree (Adansonia digitata) of the mallow family (Malvaceae),...
Energia summary
Energia, also called RKK Energia formerly OKB-1 , Russian aerospace...
lemur summary
lemur , In general, any of the prosimian primates (including...
seasonal affective disorder summary
seasonal affective disorder (SAD), Cyclical depression occurring...
ionosphere summary
ionosphere , Region of the Earth’s atmosphere in which the number...
Ebola summary
Ebola , in full Ebola virus disease , severe and often fatal...
banana summary
banana, Fruit of the genus Musa (family Musaceae), a gigantic...
mongoose summary
mongoose, Any of nearly 40 species of carnivores constituting...
bean summary
bean, Seed or pod of certain leguminous plants (see legume).
whale shark summary
whale shark, Species (Rhincodon typus) of gigantic but harmless...
John H. Glenn, Jr. summary
John H.
Walter Reed summary
Walter Reed, (born Sept. 13, 1851, Belroi, Va., U.S.—died Nov....
genome summary
genome, all the genetic content contained within an organism.
ozone layer summary
ozone layer, or ozonosphere , Region in the upper atmosphere,...
phantom limb syndrome summary
phantom limb syndrome, The ability to feel sensations and pain...
Bill Gates summary
Bill Gates, in full William Henry Gates III , (born Oct. 28,...
gazelle summary
gazelle, Any of numerous species of graceful antelopes of the...
Frederick Sanger summary
Frederick Sanger, (born Aug. 13, 1918, Rendcombe, Gloucestershire,...
mink summary
mink, Either of two species of nocturnal semiaquatic carnivores...
Douglas Engelbart summary
Douglas Engelbart, (born Jan. 30, 1925, Portland, Ore., U.S.—died...
Cambrian Period summary
Cambrian Period, Oldest time division of the Paleozoic Era.
Carboniferous Period summary
Carboniferous Period, Interval of geologic time 358.9–298.9...
Jurassic Period summary
Jurassic Period, Interval of geologic time, 201.3–145 million...
Permian Period summary
Permian Period, Interval of geologic time, 298.9–252.2 million...
chameleon summary
chameleon, Any member of a group of primarily tree-dwelling...
vervet monkey summary
vervet monkey, or vervet , Any of several African species of...
dingo summary
dingo, Australian wild dog (Canis dingo, C.
mesothelioma summary
mesothelioma, Tumour arising from the sheet of cells known as...
pain summary
pain, Physical suffering associated with a bodily disorder (such...
Sir Michael A. E. Dummett summary
Sir Michael A.
Neil Armstrong summary
Neil Armstrong, (born Aug. 5, 1930, Wapakoneta, Ohio, U.S.—died...
lung cancer summary
lung cancer, Malignant tumour of the lung.
uterine cancer summary
uterine cancer, Malignant tumour of the uterus.
testicular cancer summary
testicular cancer, Malignant tumour of the testis, or testicle.
North Cascades National Park summary
North Cascades National Park, National park, northwestern Washington,...
Olympic National Park summary
Olympic National Park, National park, northwestern Washington,...
Robert Boyle summary
Robert Boyle, (born Jan. 25, 1627, Lismore Castle, County Waterford,...
hemp summary
hemp, Stout, aromatic, erect annual herbaceous plant of the...
Sir Maurice V. Wilkes summary
Sir Maurice V.
Pluto summary
Pluto, Solar system body, regarded as the ninth planet from...
space shuttle summary
space shuttle, formally Space Transportation System (STS) , ...
Yosemite National Park summary
Yosemite National Park, National preserve, central California,...
colour summary
colour, Aspect of any object that may be described in terms...
telescope summary
telescope, Device that collects light from and magnifies images...
hydrocarbon summary
hydrocarbon, Any of a class of organic compounds composed only...
biochemistry summary
biochemistry, Field of science concerned with chemical substances...
celestial mechanics summary
celestial mechanics, Branch of astronomy that deals with the...
electronics summary
electronics, Branch of physics that deals with the emission,...
luminescence summary
luminescence, Emission of light by an excited material through...
parturition summary
parturition, or birth or childbirth or labour or delivery , ...
respiration summary
respiration, Process of taking in air for oxygen and releasing...
ultrasonics summary
ultrasonics, Vibrational or stress waves in elastic media that...
Ernest Rutherford, Baron Rutherford of Nelson summary
Ernest Rutherford, Baron Rutherford of Nelson, (born Aug. 30,...
botany summary
botany, Branch of biology that deals with plants, including...
coal summary
coal, Solid, usually black but sometimes brown, carbon-rich...
dye summary
dye, Any of a class of intensely coloured complex organic compounds...
Michael Faraday summary
Michael Faraday, (born Sept. 22, 1791, Newington, Surrey, Eng.—died...
oxide summary
oxide, Any of a large and important class of chemical compounds...
rock summary
rock, In geology, a naturally occurring and coherent aggregate...
thermoreception summary
thermoreception, Sensory capacity (see sense) to detect the...
weather modification summary
weather modification, Deliberate or inadvertent alteration of...
zoology summary
zoology, Branch of biology concerned with members of the animal...
steroid summary
steroid, Any of a class of natural or synthetic organic compounds...
sugar summary
sugar, Any of numerous sweet, colourless organic compounds that...
Sun summary
Sun, Star around which the components of the solar system revolve.
Venus summary
Venus, Second major planet from the Sun.
weather forecasting summary
weather forecasting, Prediction of the weather through application...
plastics summary
plastics, Polymers that can be molded or shaped, usually by...
William Harvey summary
William Harvey, (born April 1, 1578, Folkestone, Kent, Eng.—died...
oxyacid summary
oxyacid, Any oxygen-containing acid that is usually formed from...
physics summary
physics, Science that deals with the structure of matter and...
solar system summary
solar system, The Sun, its eight major planets, the dwarf planets...
thunderstorm summary
thunderstorm, Violent, short-lived atmospheric disturbance,...
tornado summary
tornado, Violent low-pressure storm, relatively small in diameter...
tree summary
tree, Woody perennial plant.
optimization summary
optimization, Field of applied mathematics whose principles...
hafnium summary
hafnium, Metallic chemical element, one of the transition elements,...
lanthanum summary
lanthanum, Metallic chemical element, one of the transition...
niobium summary
niobium, Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Nb, atomic...
osmium summary
osmium, Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Os, atomic...
pollination summary
pollination, Transfer of pollen grains in seed plants from the...
radar summary
radar, System that uses electromagnetic echoes to detect and...
rocket summary
rocket, Type of jet-propulsion device that uses either solid...
rubidium summary
rubidium, Metallic chemical element that is part of the alkali...
ruthenium summary
ruthenium, Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Ru, atomic...
samarium summary
samarium, Chemical element in the lanthanide series, chemical...
scandium summary
scandium, Metallic chemical element, one of the transition elements,...
tellurium summary
tellurium, Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Te, atomic...
terbium summary
terbium, Chemical element in the lanthanide series, chemical...
thallium summary
thallium, Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Tl, atomic...
ytterbium summary
ytterbium, Chemical element in the lanthanide series, chemical...
meteor summary
meteor, or shooting star or falling star , Streak of light in...
meteorite summary
meteorite, Any interplanetary particle or chunk of stony or...
microbiology summary
microbiology, Scientific study of microorganisms, a diverse...
microscope summary
microscope, Instrument that produces enlarged images of small...
mimicry summary
mimicry, Similarity between organisms that confers a survival...
Mars summary
Mars, Fourth planet from the Sun, named after the Roman god...
foundations of mathematics summary
foundations of mathematics, Scientific inquiry into the nature...
transuranium element summary
transuranium element, Any of the chemical elements after uranium...
uranium summary
uranium, Chemical element of the actinoid series (with many...
synthetic biology summary
synthetic biology, Field of research in which the main objective...
launch vehicle summary
launch vehicle, Rocket system that boosts a spacecraft into...
Saturn summary
Saturn, Sixth planet from the Sun, named for the Roman god of...
migraine summary
migraine, Recurrent headache, usually on one side of the head.
gadolinium summary
gadolinium, Metallic chemical element of the lanthanide series,...
feeding behaviour summary
feeding behaviour, Any action of an animal directed toward obtaining...
Trojan asteroids summary
Trojan asteroids, Two groups of asteroids named for heroes of...
carbohydrate summary
carbohydrate, Any member of a very abundant and widespread class...
graph theory summary
graph theory, Mathematical theory of networks.
menopause summary
menopause, Final cessation of menstruation, ending female fertility.
George E. Hale summary
George E.
Palomar Observatory summary
Palomar Observatory, Astronomical observatory on Mount Palomar,...
onion summary
onion, Herbaceous biennial plant (Allium cepa) of the family...
pitcher plant summary
pitcher plant, Any carnivorous plant with pitcher-, trumpet-,...
nanoparticle summary
nanoparticle, Ultrafine unit with dimensions measured in nanometres...
bioinformatics summary
bioinformatics, Science that links biological data with techniques...
Earth summary
Earth, Third planet in distance outward from the Sun.
Moon summary
Moon, Sole natural satellite of Earth, which it orbits at a...
oxidation-reduction summary
oxidation-reduction, or redox , Any chemical reaction in which...
transition element summary
transition element, Any chemical element with valence electrons...
endangered species summary
endangered species, Any species of plant, animal, or other organism...
mallow family summary
mallow family, Family Malvaceae (order Malvales), which contains...
orchid summary
orchid, Any of the more than 22,000 species in nearly 1,000...
rice summary
rice, Edible starchy cereal grain and the annual grass (Oryza...
spurge summary
spurge, One of the largest flowering-plant genera (Euphorbia),...
tomato summary
tomato, Any fruit of the numerous cultivated varieties of Solanum...
desertification summary
desertification, The degradation of land in arid or semiarid...
Mercury summary
Mercury, Innermost planet of the solar system.
Peter (David Albert) Singer summary
Peter (David Albert) Singer, (born July 6, 1946, Melbourne,...
phase summary
phase, In thermodynamics, a chemically and physically uniform...
rubber summary
rubber, Flexible material that can recover its shape after considerable...
periodic table summary
periodic table, Organized array of all the chemical elements...
enzyme summary
enzyme, Substance that acts as a catalyst in living organisms,...
reverse transcriptase summary
reverse transcriptase, An enzyme encoded from the genetic material...
Cassini-Huygens summary
Cassini-Huygens, Space probe.
William Withering summary
William Withering, (born March 17, 1741, Wellington, Shropshire,...
dark matter summary
dark matter, Nonluminous matter not directly detectable by astronomers,...
rhinoceros summary
rhinoceros, Any of five extant African and Asian species (family...
dark energy summary
dark energy, The dominant component (about 70 percent) of the...
Erasmus Darwin summary
Erasmus Darwin, (born Dec. 12, 1731, Elston Hall, Nottinghamshire,...
bongo summary
bongo, Large, brightly coloured antelope (Tragelaphus eurycerus)...
jet lag summary
jet lag, Desynchronization of biological rhythms after moving...
mitochondrion summary
mitochondrion, Membrane-bound organelle located in the cytoplasm...
gravitational radiation summary
gravitational radiation, The transmission of variations in the...
biofuel summary
biofuel, Mixture of volatile, flammable hydrocarbons derived...
epigenetics summary
epigenetics, The study of the chemical modification of specific...
organohalogen compound summary
organohalogen compound, Any of a class of organic compounds...
skink summary
skink, Any of about 1,275 species (family Scincidae) of lizards...
water snake summary
water snake, Any of about 200 snake species of about 38 genera,...
neuroplasticity summary
neuroplasticity, Capacity of neurons and neural networks in...
borane summary
borane, Any of a homologous series of inorganic compounds of...
carborane summary
carborane, Any of a class of organometallic compounds containing...
mushroom summary
mushroom, Fleshy spore-bearing structure of certain fungi (see...
organometallic compound summary
organometallic compound, Any member of a class of substances...
truffle summary
truffle, Edible underground fungus in the genus Tuber (order...
nitride summary
nitride, Any of a class of chemical compounds in which nitrogen...
sulfide summary
sulfide, Any of three classes of chemical compounds containing...
information theory summary
information theory, Field of mathematics that studies the problems...
extrasolar planet summary
extrasolar planet, also called exoplanet , Planet that orbits...
Chandra X-ray Observatory summary
Chandra X-ray Observatory, U.S.
Al Gore summary
Al Gore, in full Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. , (born March 31, 1948,...
genetics summary
genetics, Study of heredity in general and of genes in particular.
parathyroid gland summary
parathyroid gland, Endocrine gland located close to and behind...
congenital disorder summary
congenital disorder, A large group of disorders arising during...
David Baltimore summary
David Baltimore, (born March 7, 1938, New York, N.Y., U.S.),...
continental drift summary
continental drift, Large-scale movements of continents over...
ecology summary
ecology, Study of the relationships between organisms and their...
Halley’s Comet summary
Halley’s Comet, or Comet Halley , First comet whose return was...
planet summary
planet, Any large natural body that orbits the Sun or another...
Heron of Alexandria summary
Heron of Alexandria, or Hero of Alexandria , (flourished c.
sturgeon summary
sturgeon, Any of about 20 species (family Acipenseridae) of...
locust summary
locust, Any of several species of grasshoppers (family Acrididae)...
desert summary
desert, Large, extremely dry area of land with fairly sparse...
palm summary
palm, Any of about 2,800 species of flowering, subtropical trees,...
sexual intercourse summary
sexual intercourse, or coitus or copulation , Act in which the...
joint summary
joint, Structure connecting two or more bones.
Banff National Park summary
Banff National Park, Park, southwestern Alberta, Canada.
distillation summary
distillation, Vaporization of a liquid and subsequent condensation...
X-ray summary
X-ray, Electromagnetic radiation of extremely short wavelength...
autism summary
autism, Neurobiological disorder that affects physical, social,...
ape summary
ape, Any of the tailless primates known as the lesser apes (gibbons...
observatory summary
observatory, Structure containing telescopes and other instruments...
Brownian motion summary
Brownian motion, Any of various physical phenomena in which...
gallium summary
gallium, Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Ga, atomic...
gamma ray summary
gamma ray, Penetrating very short-wavelength electromagnetic...
germanium summary
germanium, Semimetallic chemical element, chemical symbol Ge,...
Homo erectus summary
Homo erectus, (Latin: “upright man”) Extinct species of early...
landslide summary
landslide, The movement of a mass of rock or soil down a slope.
palladium summary
palladium, Metallic chemical element, one of the transition...
supernova summary
supernova, Any of a class of violently exploding stars whose...
Homo sapiens summary
Homo sapiens, (Latin: “wise man”) Species to which all modern...
leprosy summary
leprosy, or Hansen disease , Chronic disease of the skin, peripheral...
Neptune summary
Neptune, Eighth planet from the Sun, discovered in 1846 and...
quark summary
quark, Any of a group of subatomic particles thought to be among...
stem cell summary
stem cell, In living organisms, an undifferentiated cell that...
string theory summary
string theory, Any of a number of theories in particle physics...
Uranus summary
Uranus, Seventh planet from the Sun.
Earth impact hazard summary
Earth impact hazard, The danger of collision with asteroids...
bird flu summary
bird flu, or avian influenza , viral respiratory disease, mainly...
atomic bomb summary
atomic bomb, Weapon whose great explosive power results from...
behaviour genetics summary
behaviour genetics, Study of the influence of an organism’s...
parrot summary
parrot, Any of the 333 species of birds in the family Psittacidae.
Jack Kilby summary
Jack Kilby, (born Nov. 8, 1923, Jefferson City, Mo., U.S.—died...
Sir Humphry Davy summary
Sir Humphry Davy, (born Dec. 17, 1778, Penzance, Cornwall, Eng.—died...
environmentalism summary
environmentalism, Advocacy of the preservation or improvement...
fog summary
fog, Cloud of small water droplets near ground level that is...
Edward Teller summary
Edward Teller, orig.
UNESCO summary
UNESCO, in full United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural...
Roger Bacon summary
Roger Bacon, (born c. 1220, Ilchester, Somerset, or Bisley,...
Sir Derek H. R. Barton summary
Sir Derek H.
biological development summary
biological development, Gradual changes in size, shape, and...
George Boole summary
George Boole, (born Nov. 2, 1815, Lincoln, Eng.—died Dec. 8,...
Max Born summary
Max Born, (born Dec. 11, 1882, Breslau, Ger.—died Jan. 5, 1970,...
Sir William Bragg summary
Sir William Bragg, (b.
Giordano Bruno summary
Giordano Bruno, orig.
Vannevar Bush summary
Vannevar Bush, (born March 11, 1890, Everett, Mass., U.S.—died...
Melvin Calvin summary
Melvin Calvin, (born April 8, 1911, St.
George Washington Carver summary
George Washington Carver, (born 1861?, near Diamond Grove, Mo.,...
Ferdinand Cohn summary
Ferdinand Cohn, (born Jan. 24, 1828, Breslau, Silesia, Prussia—died...
John Dalton summary
John Dalton, (born Sept. 5 or 6, 1766, Eaglesfield, Cumberland,...
James D. Dana summary
James D.
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington summary
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, (born Dec. 28, 1882, Kendal, Westmorland,...
Mount Etna summary
Mount Etna, Active volcano, eastern coast of Sicily, Italy.
Enrico Fermi summary
Enrico Fermi, (born Sept. 29, 1901, Rome, Italy—died Nov. 28,...
Emil Fischer summary
Emil Fischer, (born Oct. 9, 1852, Euskirchen, Prussia—died July...
Sir R. A. Fisher summary
Sir R.
Sir Alexander Fleming summary
Sir Alexander Fleming, (born Aug. 6, 1881, Lochfield, Ayr, Scot.—died...
Mount Fuji summary
Mount Fuji, or Fujiyama Japanese Fuji-san , Mountain, central...
Sir Francis Galton summary
Sir Francis Galton, (born Feb. 16, 1822, near Sparkbrook, Birmingham,...
Robert Hutchings Goddard summary
Robert Hutchings Goddard, (born Oct. 5, 1882, Worcester, Mass.,...
Asa Gray summary
Asa Gray, (born Nov. 18, 1810, Sauquoit, N.Y., U.S.—died Jan....
Otto Hahn summary
Otto Hahn, (born March 8, 1879, Frankfurt am Main, Ger.—died...
Jan Baptista van Helmont summary
Jan Baptista van Helmont, (born Jan. 12, 1580, Brussels, Belg.—died...
David Hilbert summary
David Hilbert, (born Jan. 23, 1862, Königsberg, Prussia—died...
Dorothy M. Hodgkin summary
Dorothy M.
Edwin P. Hubble summary
Edwin P.
Alexander, Freiherr von Humboldt summary
Alexander, Freiherr von Humboldt, (born Sept. 14, 1769, Berlin,...
James Hutton summary
James Hutton, (born June 3, 1726, Edinburgh, Scot.—died March...
William Thomson, Baron Kelvin summary
William Thomson, Baron Kelvin, known as Lord Kelvin , (born...
Willard Libby summary
Willard Libby, (born Dec. 17, 1908, Grand Valley, Colo., U.S.—died...
Guglielmo Marconi summary
Guglielmo Marconi, (born April 25, 1874, Bologna, Italy—died...
philosophy of mathematics summary
philosophy of mathematics, Branch of philosophy concerned with...
James Clerk Maxwell summary
James Clerk Maxwell, (born June 13, 1831, Edinburgh, Scot.—died...
Thomas Midgley, Jr. summary
Thomas Midgley, Jr., (born May 18, 1889, Beaver Falls, Pa.,...
Thomas Hunt Morgan summary
Thomas Hunt Morgan, (born Sept. 25, 1866, Lexington, Ky., U.S.—died...
Wolfgang Pauli summary
Wolfgang Pauli, (born April 25, 1900, Vienna, Austria—died Dec....
Linus Pauling summary
Linus Pauling, (born Feb. 28, 1901, Portland, Ore., U.S.—died...
John Wesley Powell summary
John Wesley Powell, (born March 24, 1834, Mount Morris, N.Y.,...
Joseph Priestley summary
Joseph Priestley, (born March 13, 1733, Birstall Fieldhead,...
John Ray summary
John Ray, (born Nov. 29, 1627, Black Notley, Essex, Eng.—died...
human reproductive system summary
human reproductive system, Organ system by which humans reproduce.
Theodore Roosevelt summary
Theodore Roosevelt, known as Teddy Roosevelt , (born Oct. 27,...
Benjamin Rush summary
Benjamin Rush, (born Jan. 4, 1746, Byberry, near Philadelphia,...
Bertrand Russell, 3rd Earl Russell summary
Bertrand Russell, 3rd Earl Russell, (born May 18, 1872, Trelleck,...
Claude Shannon summary
Claude Shannon, (born April 30, 1916, Petoskey, Mich., U.S.—died...
George Gaylord Simpson summary
George Gaylord Simpson, (born June 16, 1902, Chicago, Ill.,...
William Smith summary
William Smith, (born March 23, 1769, Churchill, Oxfordshire,...
Herbert Spencer summary
Herbert Spencer, (born April 27, 1820, Derby, Derbyshire, Eng.—died...
Emanuel Swedenborg summary
Emanuel Swedenborg, (born Jan. 29, 1688, Stockholm, Swed.—died...
Sir J. J. Thomson summary
Sir J.
Alfred Russel Wallace summary
Alfred Russel Wallace, (born Jan. 8, 1823, Usk, Monmouthshire,...
James D. Watson summary
James D.
Alfred North Whitehead summary
Alfred North Whitehead, (born Feb. 15, 1861, Ramsgate, Isle...
Robert B. Woodward summary
Robert B.
Chen Ning Yang summary
Chen Ning Yang, known as Frank Yang , (born Sept. 22, 1922,...
Sir Alexander Fleming summary
Sir Alexander Fleming, (born Aug. 6, 1881, Lochfield, Ayr, Scot.—died...
armadillo summary
armadillo, Any of 20 species of armoured mammals (family Dasypodidae)...
arsenic summary
arsenic, Nonmetallic to semimetallic chemical element, chemical...
bald eagle summary
bald eagle, Species of sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)...
bee summary
bee, Any of some 20,000 insect species belonging to the superfamily...
bone summary
bone, Rigid connective tissue of vertebrates, consisting of...
bonsai summary
bonsai, (Japanese: “tray planting”) Living dwarf tree or trees;...
brain summary
brain, Concentration of nerve tissue in the front or upper end...
cactus summary
cactus, Any of the flowering plants that make up the family...
clam summary
clam, In general, any bivalve mollusk.
copper summary
copper, Metallic chemical element, one of the transition elements,...
coral summary
coral, Any of about 2,300 species of marine cnidarians in the...
crab summary
crab, Any of 4,500 species of short-tailed decapod, found in...
daddy longlegs summary
daddy longlegs, or harvestman , Any of the 3,400 arachnid species...
digestion summary
digestion, Process of dissolving and chemically converting food...
dolphin summary
dolphin, One of a large group of small, gregarious, streamlined...
dragonfly summary
dragonfly, Any member of the insect suborder Anisoptera (order...
eagle summary
eagle, Any of many large, heavy-beaked, big-footed birds of...
fertilization summary
fertilization, Reproductive process in which a male sex cell...
fluke summary
fluke, or trematode , Any member of almost 6,000 species of...
grape summary
grape, Any of the 60 plant species that make up the genus Vitis...
ground squirrel summary
ground squirrel, Any of numerous relatively short-legged, terrestrial...
gull summary
gull, Any of more than 40 species of heavily built, web-footed...
hawk summary
hawk, Any of many small to medium-sized, diurnal birds of prey,...
heart summary
heart, Organ that pumps blood, circulating it to all parts of...
horseshoe crab summary
horseshoe crab, Any of four extant species of marine arthropods...
hummingbird summary
hummingbird, Any of about 320 species of New World birds (family...
meteorite crater summary
meteorite crater, Depression that results from the impact of...
jellyfish summary
jellyfish, Any of about 200 described species of free-swimming...
leech summary
leech, Any annelid worm of the class Hirudinea (about 300 known...
lemon summary
lemon, Small thorny tree or spreading bush (Citrus limon) of...
leopard summary
leopard, or panther , Big cat (Panthera pardus) of the bush...
lobster summary
lobster, Any of numerous species of marine shrimplike decapods...
lymphocyte summary
lymphocyte, Type of leukocyte fundamental to the immune system,...
magnet summary
magnet, Any material capable of attracting iron and producing...
molecule summary
molecule, Smallest identifiable unit into which a pure substance...
moose summary
moose, Largest species (Alces alces) in the deer family (Cervidae),...
mosquito summary
mosquito, Any of 2,500 dipteran species in the family Culicidae.
nuclear fission summary
nuclear fission, Division of a heavy atomic nucleus into two...
ocean current summary
ocean current, Horizontal and vertical circulation system of...
oyster summary
oyster, Any bivalve of two families, Ostreidae (true oysters)...
peach summary
peach, Small to medium-sized fruit tree (Prunus persica) of...
pine summary
pine, Any of 10 genera of coniferous trees (rarely shrubs) of...
polar bear summary
polar bear, White semiaquatic bear (Ursus maritimus) found throughout...
pulsar summary
pulsar, in full pulsating radio star , Any of a class of cosmic...
raccoon summary
raccoon, or ringtail , Any of seven species of omnivorous, nocturnal...
radio telescope summary
radio telescope, Combination of radio receiver and antenna,...
rattlesnake summary
rattlesnake, Any of about 30 species in two genera of New World...
ray summary
ray, Any of 300–350 mostly marine species of cartilaginous fish...
refrigeration summary
refrigeration, Process of removing heat from an enclosed space...
silver summary
silver, Metallic chemical element, one of the transition elements,...
skin summary
skin, Surface covering of the body that protects it and receives...
starfish summary
starfish, or sea star , Any of 1,800 echinoderm species (class...
sulfide mineral summary
sulfide mineral, or sulphide mineral , Any member of a group...
sulfur summary
sulfur, Nonmetallic chemical element, chemical symbol S, atomic...
tooth summary
tooth, Any of the hard structures in the mouth used for biting...
vole summary
vole, Any burrowing rodent (family Cricetidae) with a blunt...
weasel summary
weasel, Any of several genera (carnivore family Mustelidae)...
white-tailed deer summary
white-tailed deer, or Virginia deer , Common reddish brown deer...
red fox summary
red fox, or common fox , Either of two fox species: Vulpes vulpes,...
excretion summary
excretion, Bodily process for disposing of undigested food waste...
guinea pig summary
guinea pig, Domesticated species (Cavia porcellus) of South...
hedgehog summary
hedgehog, Any of 14 species of insectivores in the family Erinaceidae.
instinct summary
instinct, Involuntary response by an animal, resulting in a...
porcupine summary
porcupine, Heavy-bodied, solitary, slow-moving, nocturnal rodent...
zoo summary
zoo, or zoological garden , Place where wild and sometimes domesticated...
opossum summary
opossum, Any of about 66 species (family Didelphidae) of New...
black bear summary
black bear, Forest-dwelling bear (Ursus americanus) that, despite...
Cape buffalo summary
Cape buffalo, Massive, black, horned buffalo (Syncerus caffer),...
decapod summary
decapod, Any of more than 8,000 species (order Decapoda) of...
neurosis summary
neurosis, Mental and emotional disorder that affects only part...
biodiversity summary
biodiversity, Quantity of plant and animal species found in...
ultraviolet radiation summary
ultraviolet radiation, Portion of the electromagnetic spectrum...
whale summary
whale, Any of dozens of species of exclusively aquatic mammals...
latent heat summary
latent heat, Characteristic amount of energy absorbed or released...
superconductivity summary
superconductivity, Almost total lack of electrical resistance...
superfluidity summary
superfluidity, Unusual property of liquid helium cooled below...
Vesuvius summary
Vesuvius, Active volcano, eastern side of the Bay of Naples,...
antimatter summary
antimatter, Substance composed of elementary particles having...
conservation law summary
conservation law, or law of conservation , In physics, the principle...
dispersion summary
dispersion, Any phenomenon associated with the propagation of...
elasticity summary
elasticity, Ability of a deformed material body to return to...
electric field summary
electric field, Region around an electric charge in which an...
fundamental interaction summary
fundamental interaction, In physics, the effect of any of the...
colorectal cancer summary
colorectal cancer, Malignant tumour of the large intestine (colon)...
fingerprinting summary
fingerprinting, Act of taking an impression of a person’s fingerprint.
learning summary
learning, Process of acquiring modifications in existing knowledge,...
infancy summary
infancy, In humans, the period of life between birth and the...
lactation summary
lactation, Production of milk by female mammals after giving...
lymphatic system summary
lymphatic system, System of lymph nodes, vessels, and nodules...
malaria summary
malaria, A serious relapsing infection caused by protozoa of...
motion sickness summary
motion sickness, Sickness caused by contradiction between external...
multiple birth summary
multiple birth, Birth of more than one child from one pregnancy.
nutrition summary
nutrition, Processes of taking in and utilizing food substances.
obesity summary
obesity, Excessive body fat.
occupational disease summary
occupational disease, Illness associated with a particular occupation.
ovarian cancer summary
ovarian cancer, Malignant tumour of the ovaries.
pancreatic cancer summary
pancreatic cancer, Malignant tumour of the pancreas.
paralysis summary
paralysis, or palsy , Loss or impairment of voluntary use of...
parkinsonism summary
parkinsonism, Neurological disorder causing progressive loss...
prostate cancer summary
prostate cancer, Malignant tumour of the prostate gland.
scarlet fever summary
scarlet fever, or scarlatina , Acute infectious disease caused...
shock summary
shock, State in which the circulatory system fails to supply...
sickle-cell anemia summary
sickle-cell anemia, Blood disorder (see hemoglobinopathy) seen...
silicon summary
silicon, Nonmetallic to semimetallic chemical element, chemical...
skin cancer summary
skin cancer, Malignant tumour of the skin, including some of...
sleeping sickness summary
sleeping sickness, Protozoal disease transmitted by the bite...
sodium summary
sodium, Chemical element, one of the alkali metals, chemical...
spatial disorientation summary
spatial disorientation, Inability to determine one’s true body...
stomach cancer summary
stomach cancer, Malignant tumour of the stomach.
stroke summary
stroke, or cerebrovascular accident (CVA) , Sudden impairment...
thyroid gland summary
thyroid gland, Endocrine gland in the throat that secretes hormones...
tissue culture summary
tissue culture, Biological research method in which tissue fragments...
tumour summary
tumour, or neoplasm , Mass of abnormal tissue that arises from...
typhoid summary
typhoid, or typhoid fever , Acute infectious disease resembling...
typhus summary
typhus, Any of a group of related diseases caused by various...
vegetarianism summary
vegetarianism, Theory or practice of eating only plants.
vitamin summary
vitamin, Organic compound required in small amounts in the diet...
water summary
water, Inorganic compound composed of hydrogen and oxygen (H2O),...
yellow fever summary
yellow fever, Acute infectious tropical disease, sometimes occurring...
zirconium summary
zirconium, Metallic chemical element, one of the transition...
potassium summary
potassium, Chemical element, one of the alkali metals, chemical...
radium summary
radium, Chemical element, heaviest alkaline earth metal, chemical...
silicone summary
silicone, or polysiloxane , Any of a diverse class of polymers...
tin summary
tin, Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Sn, atomic number...
carbide summary
carbide, Inorganic compound, any of a class of chemical compounds...
chemical engineering summary
chemical engineering, Academic discipline and industrial activity...
universe summary
universe, Whole cosmic system of matter and energy of which...
fire summary
fire, Rapid burning of combustible material, producing heat...
gold summary
gold, Metallic chemical element, one of the transition elements,...
heroin summary
heroin, Heterocyclic compound, a highly addictive alkaloid derivative...
lithium summary
lithium, Chemical element, lightest alkali metal, chemical symbol...
matter summary
matter, Material substance that constitutes the observable universe...
radical summary
radical, Term used in chemistry with one predominant and two...
Sylvester II summary
Sylvester II, orig.
zinc summary
zinc, Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Zn, atomic...
forest summary
forest, Complex ecosystem in which trees are the dominant life-form.
jute summary
jute, Either of two herbaceous annuals (Corchorus capsularis...
oxygen summary
oxygen, Gaseous chemical element, chemical symbol O, atomic...
petroleum summary
petroleum, or crude oil , Complex mixture of hydrocarbons derived...
phosphorus summary
phosphorus, Nonmetallic chemical element, chemical symbol P,...
photochemical reaction summary
photochemical reaction, Chemical reaction initiated by absorption...
aquarium summary
aquarium, Receptacle for maintaining aquatic organisms, either...
assassin bug summary
assassin bug, Any of about 4,000 insect species (family Reduviidae)...
bandicoot summary
bandicoot, Any of about 22 species of marsupials (family Peramelidae)...
boa summary
boa, Any of about 60 species of stout-bodied snakes (subfamily...
caterpillar summary
caterpillar, Larva of a butterfly or moth.
chicken summary
chicken, One of the most widely domesticated poultry species...
cockroach summary
cockroach, or roach , Any of more than 3,500 insect species...
cricket summary
cricket, Any of the approximately 2,400 species of leaping insects...
duck summary
duck, Any of various relatively small, short-necked, large-billed...
elk summary
elk, Any of several species of large deer in the genus Cervus,...
extinction (of species) summary
extinction (of species), Dying out or termination of a species.
ferret summary
ferret, Either of two species in the carnivore family Mustelidae.
flying squirrel summary
flying squirrel, Any member of two distinct groups of rodents...
grouse summary
grouse, Any of various game birds in the family Tetraonidae...
hammerhead shark summary
hammerhead shark, Any of the swift, powerful sharks in the family...
hyena summary
hyena, Any of three species of coarse-furred, doglike carnivores...
kudu summary
kudu, Slender African antelopes of the genus Tragelaphus.
lemming summary
lemming, Any of several species of small rodents belonging to...
katydid summary
katydid, Any of numerous species in several subfamilies of the...
marmoset summary
marmoset, Any species of arboreal, diurnal, long-tailed South...
monarch butterfly summary
monarch butterfly, Species (Danaus plexippus, family Danaidae)...
peacock summary
peacock, Any of three species (family Phasianidae) of resplendent...
reindeer summary
reindeer, Any species of Arctic deer in the genus Rangifer (family...
salmon summary
salmon, Name that originally referred to the Atlantic salmon...
sea lion summary
sea lion, Any of five species (family Otariidae) of eared seals...
sea snake summary
sea snake, Any of some 50 species (family Hydrophiidae) of venomous,...
songbird summary
songbird, Any oscine passerine (suborder Passere), all of which...
swift summary
swift, Any of about 75 species (family Apodidae) of birds found...
tektite summary
tektite, Any of a class of small, natural glassy objects found...
tide summary
tide, Regular, periodic rise and fall of the surface of the...
TRW Inc. summary
TRW Inc., U.S.
tuna summary
tuna, Any of seven species (genus Thunnus, family Scombridae)...
uniformitarianism summary
uniformitarianism, Doctrine in geology that physical, chemical,...
wasp summary
wasp, Any of more than 20,000, usually winged, insect species...
sea ice summary
sea ice, Ice formed from frozen seawater in polar regions.
electric eel summary
electric eel, Eel-shaped South American fish (Electrophorus...
density current summary
density current, Any current in either a liquid or a gas that...
dew summary
dew, Deposit of water droplets formed at night by the condensation...
El Niño summary
El Niño, In oceanography and climatology, the appearance, every...
erosion summary
erosion, Removal of surface material from the Earth’s crust...
fault summary
fault, In geology, a fracture in the rocks of the Earth’s crust,...
feldspar summary
feldspar, Any of a group of aluminosilicate (containing aluminum...
fold summary
fold, In geology, an undulation or wave in the stratified rocks...
fossil summary
fossil, Remnant, impression, or trace of an animal or plant...
fossil fuel summary
fossil fuel, Any of a class of materials of biologic origin...
frost summary
frost, Atmospheric moisture that crystallizes directly on the...
garnet summary
garnet, Any of a group of common silicate minerals with identical...
groundwater summary
groundwater, or subsurface water , Water that occurs below the...
marble summary
marble, Granular limestone or dolomite that has recrystallized...
mass movement summary
mass movement, or mass wasting , Bulk movements of soil and...
mineral processing summary
mineral processing, or ore dressing , Mechanical treatment of...
nickel summary
nickel, Metallic chemical element, one of the transition elements,...
nitric oxide summary
nitric oxide, Colourless, toxic gas (NO), formed from nitrogen...
nitrogen summary
nitrogen, Gaseous chemical element, chemical symbol N, atomic...
paleogeography summary
paleogeography, or palaeogeography , Geography of selected portions...
peat summary
peat, Organic fuel consisting of a light, spongy material formed...
quartz summary
quartz, Second most abundant mineral (after feldspar) in the...
Boeing Co. summary
Boeing Co., Major U.S.
burn summary
burn, Damage caused to the body by contact with flames, hot...
cleft palate summary
cleft palate, Fairly common congenital disorder in which a fissure...
concussion summary
concussion, Period of nervous-function impairment that results...
conjunctivitis summary
conjunctivitis, Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the delicate...
dehydration summary
dehydration, Loss of water, almost always along with salt, from...
depression summary
depression, Neurotic or psychotic disorder marked by sadness,...
fullerene summary
fullerene, Any of a class of all-carbon molecules whose atoms...
glass summary
glass, Solid material, typically a mix of inorganic compounds,...
hallucination summary
hallucination, Perception of objects, sounds, or sensations...
helium summary
helium, Chemical element, chemical symbol He, atomic number...
hydrogen summary
hydrogen, Lightest chemical element, chemical symbol H, atomic...
ice summary
ice, Solid form of liquid water and water vapour.
inflammation summary
inflammation, Local reaction of living tissues to injury or...
iodine summary
iodine, Nonmetallic chemical element, chemical symbol I, atomic...
iron summary
iron, Metallic chemical element, one of the transition elements,...
lead summary
lead, Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Pb, atomic...
lead poisoning summary
lead poisoning, or plumbism , Poisoning by accumulation of lead...
life span summary
life span, Time between birth and death.
lymph summary
lymph, Pale fluid that bathes tissues, maintaining fluid balance...
magnesium summary
magnesium, Chemical element, one of the alkaline earth metals,...
bipolar disorder summary
bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive psychosis , Mental illness...
menstruation summary
menstruation, Periodic discharge from the vagina of blood, secretions,...
mercury summary
mercury, or quicksilver , Metallic chemical element, chemical...
psychological development summary
psychological development, Development of cognitive, emotional,...
puberty summary
puberty, In human physiology, the period of first becoming capable...
reproduction summary
reproduction, Process by which organisms replicate themselves,...
rickets summary
rickets, or vitamin D deficiency , Disease of infancy and childhood...
stomach summary
stomach, Digestive sac in the left upper abdominal cavity, which...
stress summary
stress, In psychology, a state of bodily or mental tension resulting...
testes summary
testes, or testicles , Male reproductive organs (see reproductive...
wound summary
wound, or trauma , Break in any body tissue due to external...
macular degeneration summary
macular degeneration, Degeneration of the macula (central part...
function summary
function, In mathematics, an expression, rule, or law that defines...
projective geometry summary
projective geometry, Branch of mathematics that deals with the...
botanical garden summary
botanical garden, or botanic garden , Originally, a collection...
tobacco summary
tobacco, Any of numerous species of plants in the genus Nicotiana,...
deforestation summary
deforestation, Process of clearing forests.
fig summary
fig, Any plant of the genus Ficus, in the mulberry family, especially...
germination summary
germination, Sprouting of a seed, spore, or other reproductive...
houseplant summary
houseplant, Plant adapted for growing indoors, commonly a member...
nitrogen fixation summary
nitrogen fixation, Any natural or industrial process that causes...
olive summary
olive, Subtropical, broad-leaved tree (Olea europaea) or its...
plankton summary
plankton, Marine and freshwater organisms that, because they...
poplar summary
poplar, Any of at least 35 species and many natural hybrids...
strawberry summary
strawberry, Fruit plant of eight main species of the genus Fragaria...
tundra summary
tundra, Treeless, level or rolling ground above the taiga in...
weed summary
weed, Any plant growing where it is not wanted.
rainforest summary
rainforest, Lush forest, generally composed of tall, broad-leaved...
boron summary
boron, Semimetallic chemical element, chemical symbol B, atomic...
cadmium summary
cadmium, Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Cd, atomic...
calcium summary
calcium, Chemical element, one of the alkaline earth metals,...
carbon summary
carbon, Nonmetallic chemical element, chemical symbol C, atomic...
clay mineral summary
clay mineral, Any of a group of important hydrous aluminum silicates...
cloud summary
cloud, Any visible mass of water droplets, ice crystals, or...
dolomite summary
dolomite, Type of limestone, the carbonate fraction of which...
front summary
front, In meteorology, the interface or transition zone between...
marine sediment summary
marine sediment, Any deposit of insoluble material, primarily...
salt dome summary
salt dome, Largely subsurface geologic structure that consists...
seafloor spreading summary
seafloor spreading, Theory that oceanic crust forms along submarine...
sedimentation summary
sedimentation, In geology, the process of deposition of a solid...
temperature inversion summary
temperature inversion, In meteorology, an increase of air temperature...
urban climate summary
urban climate, Any set of climatic conditions that prevails...
wave summary
wave, In oceanography, a ridge or swell on the surface of a...
weather summary
weather, State of the atmosphere at a particular place during...
chemical reaction summary
chemical reaction, Any chemical process in which substances...
chlorine summary
chlorine, Nonmetallic chemical element, chemical symbol Cl,...
chromium summary
chromium, Metallic chemical element, one of the transition elements,...
cobalt summary
cobalt, Metallic chemical element, one of the transition elements,...
insulin summary
insulin, Polypeptide hormone (see peptide) that regulates blood...
LSD summary
LSD, in full lysergic acid diethylamide , Highly potent hallucinogenic...
vitamin A summary
vitamin A, also called retinol , Fat-soluble alcohol, most abundant...
vitamin D summary
vitamin D, Any of a group of fat-soluble alcohols important...
black hole summary
black hole, Cosmic body with gravity (see gravitation) so intense...
globular cluster summary
globular cluster, Any large group of old, Population II (see...
Mount Wilson Observatory summary
Mount Wilson Observatory, Astronomical observatory located atop...
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument summary
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, National monument, southwestern...
planetarium summary
planetarium, Institution devoted to popular education in astronomy...
planetary nebula summary
planetary nebula, Any of a class of bright nebulae that may...
radio and radar astronomy summary
radio and radar astronomy, Study of celestial bodies by measuring...
Apollo summary
Apollo, NASA manned Moon-landing project of the 1960s and ’70s.
Capitol Reef National Park summary
Capitol Reef National Park, Park, south-central Utah, U.S.
Carlsbad Caverns National Park summary
Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Preserve, southeastern New Mexico,...
cosmic background radiation summary
cosmic background radiation, Electromagnetic radiation, mostly...
cosmic ray summary
cosmic ray, High-speed particle (atomic nucleus or electron)...
ballistics summary
ballistics, Science of propulsion, flight, and impact of projectiles.
deformation and flow summary
deformation and flow, Alteration in size or shape of a body...
ferromagnetism summary
ferromagnetism, Physical phenomenon in which certain electrically...
Feynman diagram summary
Feynman diagram, Graphical method of representing the interactions...
heat summary
heat, Energy transferred from one body to another as the result...
koala summary
koala, Tree-dwelling marsupial (Phascolarctos cinereus) of coastal...
nuclear fusion summary
nuclear fusion, Process by which nuclear reactions between light...
photoelectric effect summary
photoelectric effect, Phenomenon in which charged particles...
pigeon summary
pigeon, Plump, small-billed, monogamous birds of the family...
plasma summary
plasma, Electrically conducting medium in which there are roughly...
relativity summary
relativity, Concept in physics that measurements change when...
simple harmonic motion summary
simple harmonic motion, Repetitive back-and-forth movement through...
unified field theory summary
unified field theory, Attempt to describe all fundamental interactions...
appendix summary
appendix, in full vermiform appendix , Vestigial hollow tube...
bioengineering summary
bioengineering, Application of engineering principles and equipment...
biophysics summary
biophysics, Discipline concerned with applications of the principles...
bladder cancer summary
bladder cancer, Malignant tumour of the bladder.
breast cancer summary
breast cancer, Malignant tumour in a breast, usually in women...
colour blindness summary
colour blindness, Inability to distinguish one or more colours.
connective tissue summary
connective tissue, Tissue in the body that maintains the form...
control theory summary
control theory, Field of applied mathematics relevant to the...
CP violation summary
CP violation, In particle physics, the violation of the combined...
Cushing syndrome summary
Cushing syndrome, Disorder named for Harvey Williams Cushing,...
DNA fingerprinting summary
DNA fingerprinting, Method developed by the British geneticist...
electromagnet summary
electromagnet, Device consisting of a core of magnetic material...
epilepsy summary
epilepsy, Neurological disorder caused by paroxysmal malfunction...
fracture summary
fracture, Break in a bone, caused by stress.
frostbite summary
frostbite, Freezing of living tissue, when it loses enough heat...
gene summary
gene, Unit of heredity that occupies a fixed position on a chromosome.
headache summary
headache, Pain in the upper portion of the head.
congenital heart disease summary
congenital heart disease, Deformity of the heart.
hepatitis summary
hepatitis, Inflammation of the liver.
hydraulics summary
hydraulics, Branch of science concerned with the practical applications...
hypertension summary
hypertension, or high blood pressure , Condition in which blood...
infertility summary
infertility, Inability of a couple to conceive and reproduce.
influenza summary
influenza, or flu or grippe , Acute viral infection of the upper...
jaundice summary
jaundice, Excess bile pigments (bilirubin) in the bloodstream...
Joshua Tree National Park summary
Joshua Tree National Park, National park, southeastern California,...
lens summary
lens, Piece of glass or other transparent substance that is...
liquid crystal summary
liquid crystal, Substance that flows like a liquid but maintains...
lubrication summary
lubrication, Introduction of any of various substances between...
magnetic resonance summary
magnetic resonance, Absorption or emission of electromagnetic...
magnetism summary
magnetism, Phenomenon associated with magnetic fields, the effects...
mass spectrometry summary
mass spectrometry, or mass spectroscopy , Analytic technique...
mutation summary
mutation, Alteration in the genetic material of a cell that...
recycling summary
recycling, or materials salvage , Recovery and reuse of materials...
space-time summary
space-time, Single entity that relates space and time in a four-dimensional...
steam summary
steam, Invisible gas consisting of vaporized water.
wave summary
wave, Propagation of disturbances from place to place in a regular...
zone melting summary
zone melting, Any of a group of techniques used to purify an...
malt summary
malt, Grain product used in beverages and foods.
orange summary
orange, Any of several species of small trees or shrubs in the...
semiconductor summary
semiconductor, Class of crystalline solids with electrical conductivity...
Apollonius of Perga summary
Apollonius of Perga, (born c. 240 bc, Perga, Anatolia—died c....
calculus summary
calculus, Field of mathematics that analyzes aspects of change...
conic section summary
conic section, Any two-dimensional curve traced by the intersection...
differential geometry summary
differential geometry, Field of mathematics in which methods...
Euclidean geometry summary
Euclidean geometry, Study of points, lines, angles, surfaces,...
infinity summary
infinity, In mathematics, the useful concept of a process with...
linear algebra summary
linear algebra, Branch of algebra concerned with methods of...
logarithm summary
logarithm, In mathematics, the power to which a base must be...
matrix summary
matrix, Set of numbers arranged in rows and columns to form...
non-Euclidean geometry summary
non-Euclidean geometry, Any theory of the nature of geometric...
number theory summary
number theory, Branch of mathematics concerned with properties...
numerical analysis summary
numerical analysis, Branch of applied mathematics that studies...
Piltdown hoax summary
Piltdown hoax, Forgery of human fossil remains that impeded...
set theory summary
set theory, Branch of mathematics that deals with the properties...
soil mechanics summary
soil mechanics, Study of soils and their utilization, especially...
tensor analysis summary
tensor analysis, Branch of mathematics concerned with relations...
trigonometry summary
trigonometry, Mathematical discipline dealing with the relationships...